He asks you out - 💙

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-LEO's POV-💙

I found myself wait for Y/N in the cold, soon I heard the soft clanking of the fire escape's metal and looked behind me.

There was Y/N, looking as beautiful as ever, even in her pajamas. And that's when it dawned upon me.


Wait, calm your shell down, Leo l. Your just gonna make yourself more nervous.

"Leo?" She said, shivered a little bit, making me feel a bit worse.

"Hey, Y/N." I greeted her back. She walked up to me and rubbed her arms. I stood close to her.

"What did you wanna ask me?" She asked, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Oh! That! I'll ask you but first I wanna tell you something." I said, matching her blush.

"I'm listening, Leo."

"My dad. You know the giant mutant rat? He doesn't want me to talk to humans. He thinks that they're barbaric savages who will milk us for our blood"

"But you don't even have nipples?" She said, confused.

"That's what I said! But anyway. He says that if a human sees us we shouldn't interact with them and we should run away. So I'm disobeying him by seeing you."

Her face fell a little bit as I said that last bit. I placed my hands on her shoulders and squeezed them a little bit.

"But, I have to tell you. It's so worth disobeying him if I'm doing it for you, because..."

She was looking up/down at me, her pink patches reddening.



She looked super shocked at me as I panted "I want....you...to be my....girlfriend." I said again, this time clearly. Why did I have to go red at that very moment?

"I like you, Y/N. I like the way you make me feel. And you're just perfect in every way. You're the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. And in my 15 years of life I've seen a lot of humans and-"

I cut off as she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.

"I'll be your girlfriend, Leo. As long as you be my fearless boyfriend." She said.

I picked her up and twirled her in the air. "Of course, Y/N!" And then I set her down.

She smiled at me, and I smiled back then she took my hand again and this time kissed my knuckle.

I probably turned redder than I thought I was possible from that.

"Aw! You're so cute when you blush." Y/N cooed at me, I turned away.

"I am doing no such thing!" I said.

"You so are!"

"Am not!"

"So, if I do this..." And then she kissed my cheek quickly. "You're even more red!!"

"Y/N!!!" I wined, mortified.

"What if I do this..." She stood on her toes/bent down and kissed my snout gently.

She was laughing her head off while I was blushing like crazy at her antix, she then took my hands again.

"My mom will get mad if she sees I'm not in bed, Leo."

"Goodnight, Y/N." I said and this time I peck her hand.

She gave a sheepish smile and ran off but I could see her flushed face from in between her fingers.

"Night, Fearless!" She yelled as she disappeared from down the escape.

I think that earned a total of 20 RIZZ points.

Leo- 21💙
Bros- -0 🧡❤️💜

Had so much fine writing that, Beanz.

Word count: 611 Words
See ya, ShyBeanz 🥰❣️

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