Baby Photos -💙

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This was requested by: NerkyBowtie!! Great ideas btw!!!!



LEO's POV - 💙

The guys and I were all hanging out at Y/N's house, eating snacks, watching action movies and cracking jokes, Y/N and I were sitting on the floor snuggling with my arm around her shoulders, and surprisingly the day was going pretty good.

Why surprisingly? Because this morning I accidentally broke Donnie's laptop while practicing my katana moves and all three of my brothers were super pissed about it because they were going to watch some new music video. Serves them right anyway, their music taste is trashy anyway.

But now they were all swearing revenge on me and told me to watch my back: "It would be a shame if you went into: "Lamenardo" mode in front of your beloved girl!!!

So they were probably planning something for our hangout tonight, however it was going well, we just finished watching some Jujutsu Kaisen, I was taking down mental notes from Gojo and was considering what moves to recreate when I got back to the lair when Y/N snuggled closer to my chest.

"You cold, sweetheart?" I said, cuddling her back.

"No, I just want to be near you." She said simply and kissed my cheek. God was this girl, adorable sometimes. 

I patted her head and held her closer, unaware of what my bros were doing behind me, "You're so freaking cute, love." I said to her hair.

"You're one to talk Leo..." Raph said from behind me, I loosened my grip on her, I turned. Donnie, Raph and Mikey were standing behind us and Mikey was holding up something horrendous, something....revolting., something traumatising.


Oh, hell no! I thought I burned that binder of bribe worthy materials ages ago!! And yet, here it was,  right in front of my face with the same stupid blue ribbons and really badly drawn hearts over it!!

Y/N took it before I could stop her and my brothers were already laughing their heads off. She opened it and there was all the embarrassing, horrible baby photos of me after i had just mutated and was about 1 or 2.

The bath-time, diaper rebel, first toy, first pizza slice!!!??

"Oh, Leo you were so cute as a baby!" Y/N cooed.


I was hiding my magnificently red face in my hands, heating my brother snickers through my ears.

"Y/N!!! Can we please-!!??" I started, but my brothers started laughing some more.

"We've made loads of copies maybe we can send then to you if you like??" Mikey laughed.

I blushed harder and groaned, Y/N probably thought I was an idiot seeing as how whiny I was as a child.

"Actually, can you guys us a minute?" I heard her say and my bros left for the kitchen.

Y/N pulled a binder from a draw near us and tapped me with it. I took my head out of my hands still burning from embarrassment and took it, looking at the front.

"Y/N's Early Years?" I read out confused. "Is this-?"

"Yep." Y/N said her face a little bit pink. "My own album of embarrassing baby photos.." She said and places herself in my lap. "Open it."

I flicked open the first page and gasped, Little Y/N was soo Adorable!!!

She winced a little and buried her face in my chest, though she told me to keep looking through it.

There were so many cute, but embarrassing photos of her from what looked like ages 0-6.

First Bath, First Plane ride, First Toy, First Playdate with B/F/N, First solid food...

I closed it and looked up at her. "You were so cute as a baby Y/N." I gushed hugging her."Thanks for dialling down my mortification by showing me that." I laughed.

Y/N removed her head from my chest and kissed my lips. "You're welcome." She said and looked at me. "Now, we should brainstorm some ideas on how to get your brothers back...."

Hey, ShyBeanz!!! A quick question: For a future chapter: When you all hang out: B/F/N have a crush on one of Leo's brothers but I'm debating on which one!!! Let me know who you own of BFF's heart!!!

TYSM ShyBeanz!!!

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