When he apologizes - 💛

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You, B/F/N and April were all at your house, you had F/S on the TV, your favourite snacks and a bunch of tissues sprawled on you bed. Your eyes hurt from crying so much.

B/F/N and April were getting a little sick of hearing you're wails of: "I thought he loved me!" And "why would he do this!" But could they really blame you?

Splinter fixed you up but the cuts caused you to need 2 sets of bandages wrapped around your waist to stop the bleeding, and it HURT.

"I just don't understand, he was so cruel..." She whimpered sniffling into a tissue for the 19th time today.

April sighed, and B/F/N patted you idly...

"I'm gonna go make so hot chocolate for us." April said, and B/F/N followed.

About 3 minutes after they left, it was a knock at your window. A form knock. You knew that knock too well....

You wobbled out of bed and opened your window.

"Leo! What the hell are you doing here!" You yelled, you're voice had no sympathy.

"I want to talk." He said darkly.

"Oh yeah, like how you wanted to let your swords talk!!" You spat, showing him the bandages.

His eyes went wide. He cause you that much pain? Not to self: stop sharpening weapons, you're not Gordon Ramsey, Leo.

"I did that?" He asked, timidly.

"Who else did it?" You muttered back, you're voice quiverung slightly. "I just DON'T get it Leo!!! Why did you do that!!?"

"Because you were out having fun with some guy from you school!!" He yelled back.


"You know what I'm talking about...."

It took you a while to realise what he was talking about. He though you were cheating on him with Ty...

"Do you mean Ty? Black hair, brown eyes. Tall?"

"Him" He said firmly. "If you liked Ty, you could have just told me."

"Leo, Ty is gay, and has a boyfriend." You said, thinking that he was ridiculous for thinking this.

"What? But you too came out of school together, you're uniforms were a mess!"

"That's because we were acting in a play together, about two rebel street rats."

"Yeah, but you two were going on about round two and how he'd already seen you in action." Leo spluttered, not believing his ears.

"Leo, were practiced while at my house as well! I was rubbish so we needed some extra practice!"

"I thought you cheated on me and had sex with him..." Leo mumbled, embarrassed at the fact that he had been so clueless.

"You could have just asked me, Leo." You told him, taking his hand before letting it go. "But it still doesn't make what you did okay."

"That's what I came to say. Y/N, I don't know what came over me. I should never have hurt you, I love you more than anything in this world. I love you more than I love being a ninja, I love you more than I love my brothers, I love you more than I love pizza..."

You giggled "Well, that's saying something."

Leo took your hands and kissed them both gently, and then caressed your cheek. "I'm sorry I hurt, you darling."

"I'm sorry if I ever made it seem like you couldn't trust me..."

And then the two of you started to lean in for a kiss.


You turned, B/F/N was standing in your doorway with two hot mugs of cocoa.

You stood in front of Leo, there was only one thing worse than a mad B/F/N, a mad B/F/N with hot liquids....

"It's OKAY!! We made up." You said brandishing your held hands.

"Oh...." She placed the mug down "IF YOU EVEN SO MUCH AS PINCH HER THE WRONG WAY, I WILL END YOU!!" She seethed, giving Leo the "I'm-watching-you" fingers.

"Seriously Leo, hurt her like that again, and you'll have to go through us." April added.

"No need to worry." You laughed.

Leo picked you up, twirled you around and kisses you all over you face (YOURE ALLOWED TO BLUSH GUYS)

You were just glad to have your boyfriend back. <3

Welp, that was hard but fun to write. Merry Christmas, ShyBeanz!!!
-See ya, ShyBeanz 💩🤎🙃

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