When you're on your period - 💙

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Requested by We_are_werid!! I've had this on my list for a while!!

I just finished training and was missing Y/N. We hadn't been seeing eachother much lately, she had a group project to work on and a bunch of homework to do.

Damn, did I miss cuddling with her? And kissing her all over her perfect, beautiful face of her. Hugging her waist and smelling her wonderful scent of S/S.

Damn, it had been....3 days since we'd talked in person or even kissed.

So I texted her.

"Hey there, light of my life! Wanna head to hang out and watch a movie or something?🥰 I've been longing for you, my love.🤍💙😚"

She texted back after about 30 minutes, very shortly in two sentences short.

"Sorry, Leo. I don't think so, It's shark week."

No emojis? And when has she ever called me Leo. When we first started dating, yeah, but what happened to Fearless, Bluebell, or Blueberry?

Something must be wrong...but she seems sad, no emojis and no nicknames. I can't ask her about it now.

Only one thing to do now....

"GUYS! SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH Y/N!!!" I yelled and ran into our room.

"Your girlfriend? This is bad, who's gonna get us pizza after training!!!??" Mikey said throwing aside his comics and and jumping off his bed. Donnie and Raph didn't look as phased.

I slapped Mikey across the face harshly. "THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PIZZA, MIKEY!"

"Didn't think anything was more important than pizza, Leo." Said Raph cleaning his tooth with his sais. "What's wrong with her then?"

"I don't know, she said it was 'shark week'" I said scrolling through my phone.

"Shark week? You mean she's gonna get eaten by sharks?" Donnie asked from his computer.

"WHAT!?" I gasped, Y/N was gonna die from a shark attack and all I got was a text.

"Why else would they call it shark week?" Raph said and went back to his Business.

"I have to go see Y/N, to say goodbye!!" And with that I scrambled out of the lair and jumped to Y/N's building and swung ito her room.

"Leo?" She groaned looking up from her mess of blankets.


"Leo! PUT ME DOWN!!" She yelled annoyed, I let her down and she started yelling more. "I'm not gonna die, but it feels like it. Since the world is against women!!"

"But shark week-" I started but she cut me off.

"I'M ON MY PERIOD LEO!" She yelled and then pointed me out.

Me, worried that I was about to get something thrown at me, quickly launched myself out of the window.

"Hey guys...what's a period?" I said casually walking back into the lair, where our bros were hanging out in our room again.

"A period?" Raph asked, looking up again.

"No idea." Mikey called from across the room.

"Hold on lemme look it up." Donnie said and started typing. Curious, Raph, Mikey and I leaned over his shoulder and watched.

Then...the answers came in.

"HUMAN GIRLS BLEED FROM THEIR VAGINAS!!?" Mikey screeched as he read from the screen.

"ALL THE TIME!!??" Donnie screamed, horrified by what he was seeing.

"FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT!?" Raph yelled, turning a darker green than his own skin.

"Y/N REALLY IS DYING!!" I exclaimed and ran out of their into the living room. Okay so, Y/N is bleeding? Out of her vagina? For the next week?

I should really ask another human about this. I could ask April, the human girl who's bikey we got back. But she's probably busy.

There's only one human girl I know other than Y/N and April....

"Who is this and why do you have my number?"

"It's me B/F/N."

"Oh hey Leo, what's up?"

"See I have a big problem with Y/N. She is bleeding from her vagina and I don't know what to do about it!"

"Boys are so clueless.....just buy her some stuff like chocolate,ibuprofen and go to her house and cuddle her. Get her some tampons while you're at it. And be sure to be patient or else you won't have a girlfriend after this. Bye☺️"

That was certainly helpful, maybe I should start talking to her more often for advice.

I slapped in my human watch and walked it of the lair, picked up the stuff for Y/N and went to her apartment and slid through her window cautiously.

"You're back." She said annoyedly, glaring at me.

"Yeah...I bought you stuff." I said and pulled her blanket off of her head to see her face. Surprisingly she let me.
"You okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine Leo. Just my lovely period dropping in with all this pain and agony just to tell me I'm not pregnant." She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes, before letting out a groan and laying back on her bed.

"I hate it when the ones I love are in pain." I said gently, and sat on her bed with her.

"Thanks for the stuff, Leo." She said weakly smiling to me.

"Your welcome, perfect." I said and pecked her cheek.

"Sorry, I was bitchy before." She muttered, her cheeks getting hot.

"It's fine. I now know that bitchyness will come as a package every month." I said and hugged her waist, she laughed and hugged my plastron.

Damn...I love this girl.


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