You catch him staring - 💛💙(ENDING DISCLAIMER)

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This is going to be a bit of a long one, so sit back, relax and  get to reading!! (I recommend eating a hot brownie with this one) 



You laid on the floor of the dojo, boredly enjoying the feeling of the warm carpets against your back. Leo and his brothers were out shopping for food since you were supposed to cook some food for the family later, and Splinter was either sleeping or meditating in his chair in the front room, you really couldn't tell which one.

You contemplated going home, but a broken promise of homemade pizza and pretzels wouldn't sit well with a bunch of tired, hangry, mutants.

Sitting up and momentarily unknotting your back you looked around the dojo, a bit plain for a secret hideout. You could have left but, upon you analysis of the room you spotted a scroll, laying a few feet away from you: Splinter must have forgotten to put it away after the chaos of Leo and Raph's spar (Raph ended up with a broken finger and 4 more chips in his shell - must be those push-ups). 

Shrugging you walked to the scroll and grabbed it. It was relatively thin and rough against your fingertips, being decorated with various blossoms and flowers with Japanese writing over the top of it. Looks like learning 3 languages in school paid off : you read "Basics of the Greatest Art" from a quick translation.

Gasping a little, you ran a finger over the writing, the scroll looked new as though no one had touched it it ages. In fact, it look untouched and clean. "Greatest Art?" You began to open it until a voice behind you made you jump like a cat dropping it.

"It seems you found my scroll, child?" Splinter limped towards you, a smile on his face that most old, wise people had.

"Splinter! I was just looking at it! I was going to put it back, I promise!" You exclaimed, you'd seen some of the harsh punishments he'd given the turtles. Instead of being angered however, he chuckled and picked up the fallen scroll. 

"I was gifted this, from a wise person, wiser than me. I've longed to teach someone of the secrets of this scroll." He opened the it further so you could see what was drawn on the inside. Small, drawing of fighting stances, positions and poses, all written in Japanese with small diagrams of beautiful women giving a clear demonstration.

"Your sons? Why didn't you teach them?" You enquired, looking from the scroll to Splinter.

"The art of the Kunoichi, is an art that is reserved for only some." He smirked and handed you the scroll, smiling wider, pointing to the bottom of the scroll, where there was a little bit of English there.

"Kunoichi: Women of The Strongest." You turned to look at splinter but he walked over to a closet looking thing and pulled out a long sword. It looked similar to Leo's but it was straight and clean, without the dents. He set the scroll and the sword in front of you.

"This is a ninjato. A weapon utilised by many of the kunoichi. I wish for you to learn their ways." He smirked, looking at your shocked face.

"You aren't going to teach me?" You said, utterly flabbergasted at his words.

"I will. In time, child. But for now, read." He motioned to the scroll. "And train. My sons will be back soon. You may learn from them and me. But you must remember: You are training with the arts of a kunoichi, they are training from the arts of a ninja." 

He began to walk out of the dojo, looking pleased and satisfied with you, but before opening the door to leave he addressed you. "And Y/N?"


"I've always wanted a daughter." The door closed with a quick shut. 


We managed to pick up: pizza dough, mozzarella, tomato sauce, mushrooms, and some Capri Son juices, all within an hour with no complaining. 

Raph, Donnie, Mikey and I raced to the kitchen setting the bags on the table, laughing and shrieking at the anticipation of hot homemade pizza and steaming pretzels. 

"Dad! Dad, where's Y/N?" I asked, once I had finished packing the juice packets away into the cabinets. Dad smirked, one of those smirks like he was about to let out one of those "Silent-But-Deadly-Farts" at the dinner table, I held my nose just in case, bracing for the lingering stench.

"She's in the training room, go see here. She's been busy." He replied, looking satisfied. Oh crap, he didn't teach Y/N the art of toxic farts did he?

I pinched my nose a little further as I walked to the dojo and opened the door, just waiting for my nostrils to be contaminated with the smell. 

I peeked inside, and my hands feel to my sides, pink flooding my face like a tsunami. I took a little more than a peek into the room further. Y/N was shredding a punching bag like a butcher, the pile of filler by her feet told me she's been at the from a long time. 

Hair teasing her face, she grunted softly as she swung her arms, sweat beads forming down them. She had dad's spare ninjato in her hands, and a bulge was forming in her temple. Holy shit.  

This was my girl, my Y/N, her hips sliced the air in sync with her hands, her breath fast with her moving. 

"Don't worry, there's another spar bag in the cupboard." Y/N breathed, spotting me. 

"So? What are you doing????" I asked her, trying to deflect the fact that I had gone crimson, but my voice being 4 octave's higher probably betrayed me.

"I got bored while you were gone, and Splinter had a spare scroll." She turned, giving me a view of her back, my eyes raked downwards over her body.

"I thought you were the one saying staring was rude the other day?" She drawled, I could hear her smirk. 

"Alright, snarky. So what exactly are you doing?" I asked again.

"Splinter wants me to train as a kunoichi. A female ninja. He thinks it'll be good for me, I can learn from you." She smiled and walked towards me and brushed a sweaty bit of hair off of her forehead. "Us? Training together?" 

I wrapped an arm around her waist, another arm rubbing against her right hip. "Hmmm, I like that idea." I laid a kiss on her cheek. "And I think you'll make an amazing kunoichi." 

Before she could reply with a matching sweet reply, my brothers slapped the door open and poked their heads through.





Thanks for reading this ShyBeanz!! I really loved writing this one! Now for the disclaimer: I will be changing Splinter and the turtles backstory as I just don't think that it fits that much. It won't change most of the story but if you guys want, I'll make a chapter of this story which will just be me explaining their backstory. 

Also the next chapter will be: "When He Meets Your Mom", and I don't know it might be getting a little juicy...just saying....

I'll see you in the next chapter, ShyBeanz!!! 💛💙💛💙💛


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