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I  said a little while back, that I would make a part of this story to tell you about Splinter and the turtles backstory since I changed it up in the: "You catch him staring" chapter (I also remember changing the turtles last name to Hamato way back when I first started this book) . So let's get into it!

Firstly, I changed Splinter and the Turtles backstory for this book because I thought that it just didn't fit well with things that are going to happen in future parts of this book - I just don't believe that Splinter just used to be a rat and just came across the turtles in some ooze in the sewer. The plotlines coming with Cynthia Utrom (Y/N's mom) and the turtles (plus splinter) wouldn't fit as well with their backstory.

So here's the backstory that we're using for this book:

It's almost identical to the backstory of Splinter and the turtles in the 2012 version of TMNT: Basically, Hamato Yoshi (a human at this time) was walking home after buying 4 turtles (non yet mutated) from a pet shop, ultimately he was a master at the art of (being a ninja?). On this same day, he was walking home, getting lured into the sewers by (I cannot tell you who yet) and ended up getting some mutagen  spilled on him before stepping on a rat's tail - mutating him into a rat. The same thing ended up happening with the turtles, with them being held by Hamato, mutating into humanoid turtles. 

There is a lot more to this story than what I've told you however, I will touch up on them in  later chapters as I don't want to spoil serious plot points that are coming up. Stay Tuned!

Hope this clears up a lot of things for you, ShyBeanz^^


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