When you where his clothes -🤍💛💙

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TYSM FOR 5K READS!!!🤍🖤🤎💜💙💚💛🧡❤️!!!


I was in the park on the swings waiting for Leo, we were going to hang out for a while before heading back to the lair, but it had already been about 20 minutes and he was nowhere to be seen.

Soon my phone beeped and I picked it up, seeing a text from Leo.

"Hey, my perfect girl😘, I'm really sorry but Splinter won't let us out of the house, since we haven't finished all of our training. You could, sneak in and we could hang out though. My bros promise they won't tell on us as long as you bring us pizza 🍕😜. See you soon?💙"

I smiled and texted him back quickly.

"See you soon, my hero in blue💙🫐!"

And then I started walking to the nearest pizza place and picked up two large pepperoni pizzas and started walking to the lair.

About half way there it started downpour on me as I walked to the manhole. I slipped off my jacket and put it on the pizzas covering them.

Bad Ideas, though since now I was shivering in heavy rainfall, in a T-shirt and jean shorts. I could barely see where I was going but managed to find my way to the lair.


"You guys know, it raining, cats and dogs out there!" You said and set the pizza down on the table.

"Y/N!! You're soaking!" Leo yelled, running up to you. His brothers seemed to be in another room changing.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." You laughed  sarcastically and shivered a little bit.

"Your shaking...what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my girlfriend catch a cold?" He said And grabbed some clothes from under his bed and gave them to you. It was a hoodie, some sweats and T-shirt.

"I see humans do it all the time.." He shrugged, kissing your wet forehead.

You pulled off your wet shirts it chafing really badly, so it got stuck halfway above your neck. Leo helped you with it, blushing crimson as he did so and then stepped out as you started to unbutton your jean shorts.

"I'll be outside if you need me!!" He said and walked out, the blush still playing on your face. You finished changing and put on his clothes, then you opened the door for him to come back...

- LEO'S POV - 💙

I walked back inside and my jaw was hanging down to the floor: There. Was. Y/N. Wearing. MY. Clothes!!

My face grew super duper hot as I looked at her. She was standing timidly, me being much taller than her, my hoodie and shirt fit her like a dress more that a top and she had to roll the waist of my sweatpants 4 times so they wouldn't slip down her waist.

She blushed and tucked a price of hair behind her ear and looked at me.

"Your wearing my clothes?" I gasped, looking at her up at down again.

"You were the one who suggested it! How do I look?" She asked, I held her waist and pulled her to close to me.

"Beautiful, love." And I kissed her forehead, making us both a blushed mess.

We would have stayed like that if my nosy-ass brothers hadn't come for their pizza.


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