Chapter 11: Dark Cupid

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Valentine's Day a day where lovers can express their love and adoration for each other through gifts and greetings.

You had been one of the first people to arrive, you decided to take a nap as you waits for people to arrive. A soft nudge wakes you from your slumber, looking up you see a red-faced Nathaniel. Smiling, you says, "Hey, Nath. Happy Valentine's Day."

Nathaniel stutters as he holds out a paper, "H-Happy Valentine's, (Y/n). H-Here." Taking the paper, Y/N opens it to see a portrait of her sleeping, extremely detailed. You gasp as Nath fiddles with his thumb, "I wanted to give this to you as a thank you for being my friend."

You give him a big hug, which he returns with a soft smile, repeatedly saying 'thank you'.you step away from the hug as you rummages through your chocolate bag, "Here. This one is for you."

Turning to your classmates, you start passing out chocolates as everyone accepted it with a small smile. Chloe of course, pretended that she didn't care, but on the inside, she was extremely happy about it.

Every boy that have a crush on you is giving you lots of gifts but you were hoping that one of them was from Vanitas. Not only that but ever since Marinette was so mean to you, you start sitting next to Domi and Jeanne, the new girl friends you made!

You noticed that Vanitas was not here, shrugging it off thinking that he's probably running a little late. Not to long later, Adrien bursts through the door as he apologizes while Vanitas walks in gracefully not caring that he's late.

Ms. Bustier waves him off, "It's okay Adrien, I was just starting."

Walking to his seat, Vanitas looks up towards you, stopping for a second to admire you, Noe has to pull him into his seat. Nino sees Vanitas with a dreamy smile, then begins waving a hand in front of his face, not getting a response Nino and Noe rolls their eyes as they leave Vanitas in his '(Y/n) trance' as he likes to call it.

Adrien whispers into Vanitas' ear, bringing him back down to Earth, "If you want to write a letter to (Y/n), I suggest you stop daydreaming about her, bro."

"Nah, I rather speak up and hug her." Vanitas cooed.

Adrien pouts and grin with an idea. "Ya know what? I think I'll write a love letter for you so you can give it to her personally."

Vanitas's dopey smile disappears and glares at his brother. "Don't make decisions without my permission."

"Too late VaniVAni~" Adrien sang.

"And Don't call me that!"

That was how the rest of the day went, You're completely oblivious to Vanitas' dilemma as Adrien tries to find the perfect words to write in his brother'sletter by force. While Vanitas tries to take his pencil away from him in order to protect his image from writing a letter for you.

You finish your homework ahead of time as Ms. Bustier teaches, "In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?"

Rose stands up as she practically swoons, "Because only love can conquer hate!"

Max stands up as well, "Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and- "

"Thank you, Max and Rose." Ms. Bustier interrupts with a smile.

Marinette tries to look over Adrien's shoulder to see what he is writing about with Vanitas holding the pencil with vice grip. The teacher also notices Vanitas as she asks, "Vanitas, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson. Can you tell me what I just said?"

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