Chapter 20: Gamer

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It was another day in Paris. Right now, Vanitas was in the school library playing Ultimate Mechanics Strike III against Max. He was using a bat robot as he tries to use different moves to win the final round. They both have a little life left, and Max defeated him using the ultimate move. Everyone cheered for Max's victory.

"Oh darn! I was this close to beating you, Max." Vanitas playfully glared at him.

"You were truly a great opponent, Vanitas." Max held out his hand.

Vanitas shrugs and shook his hand. "It was fun."

Vanitas got up and gave Adrien the joypad.He sat next to you as he wrap his arm around you. "You are so awesome." you complimented.

Vanitas kissed your cheek. "It was kind of Adrien's idea. Forcing me on the bet we had."

"A bet?" you asked.

"I'll tell you in the meantime, cherie."

Everyone watched the next round between Max and Adrien. Suddenly, Marinette finally arrives and was looking around to see what was happening.

"What's going on?" Marinette asks Alya, who was recording.

Alya only shushes her because she was so invested into the current match.

"Try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!" Rose pops out next to Marinette.

"Actually, the tryouts offer a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament." Kim corrects, walking up to Marinette with you and Vanitas following behind them.

"Why Max?" Marinette asks in confusion.

"'Cause he's unbeatable! He's a total rocksord! He's got the highest APM over anyone!"

"A.P.M?" Marinette still confused.

"Actions per minute. This tournament is his whole life! He's been grinding all year to level up." Kim boasts proudly for Max.

Everyone continued to watch Adrien's robot and was able to use a special attack on Max's robot. Adrien was able to win against Max with his attacks.

"Adrien is now in the lead." Ms. Bustier announced.

Max was a little disappointed at first, but he shared a smile with Adrien. "Awesome job. We're gonna make a killer combo." Max gives Adrien a high five.

"So let me get this straight, if someone else manages to beat Max's score, then they'll team up with Adrien?" Marinette asks, an idea coming to play.

"Oh shit." Vanitas and were thinking the same thing that Marinette is going to do somthing stupid.

"No one can beat Max. Or rather Max and Adrien. It's a slam dunk. They're our school's dream team!" Kim answered proudly.

Alya and you share a look and they drag Marinette away from the boys, you promise Vanitas that you'll be right back to talk in private.

"I know what you're doing, Mad-MAri. Do not do it." you warn, knowing your sister too well and trust yourself. It will not end well with Marinette's plan.

"We see where you're going with this, Little lady." Alya pointed.

"But just imagine..... teaming with Adrien!" Marinette gushed and swoon and ignore your pathetic warning.

"Are you out of your mind, girl? This is about about stepping up and representing, not snuggling up and snogging." Alya agrees with you, "This is serious business!"

Miraculous Sapphire  (Vanitas x Reader) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now