Chapter 3

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Italics- is used when a person is speaking.

Normal- is used when a person is thinking or performing an action.

Normal- telepathically communicating


It feels like I am floating........

Is this a dream? I thought.

Why isn't my baby crying or opening his eyes, it's been minutes already?!!!
I heard a screech, a woman. I guessed.

She sounds exhausted....and panicked.

I heard more cluttering sounds around me...which I could barely make out.

I had this urge to cry, so I did.

Ah! I heard the woman gasp, is that relief in her tone?

I felt a pat on my back and stopped crying.

I slowly opened my eyes, everything seemed a bit blurry.

But I could make out that there was a woman, with long black hair.

Who's she? I thought.

Then I reminded myself....if I'm Kalluto?

Is that Killua's mother? I thought.

Oh. Wait she's mine too now.

With that thought I shut my eyes, since I couldn't keep them opened.

When I next opened my eyes, I saw white.

Yes, it was an old man with white hair that I was seeing.

I blinked.

The old man stared at me and I stared back.

A staring contest. I'm not gonna loose was what I thought.


Stare back.

This went back and fourth for a while and then I couldn't help it, I blinked and then giggled.

This guy is funny. Was my first thought.

Holy shit it's Zeno Zoldyck, was my second.

Maybe it could have been my imagination, but I think the old man gave me back a little smile.

Where's Silva? Asked the old man to one of the Butlers.

Master is on a mission Zeno-sama, replied the butler.

What about Illumi and Milluki? Asked Zeno.

Huh? He didn't mention Alluka and Killua.

I mean that makes sense since they should be only one and two respectively.

🌸Reborn As....Kalluto Zoldyck?!  (HXH X KNY) 🌸Where stories live. Discover now