Chapter 15

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Italics- is used when a person is speaking.

Normal- is used when a person is thinking or performing an action.

Normal- telepathically communicating

So.....six of them have cleared the final selection. Our family has grown. Said a man in a serene voice.



What do you mean by "nen dosen't work on demons"...?! I asked Gyomei.

A bit perplexed.

After choosing the core for my sword, I came back to the stone estate. Apparantly, my sword is gonna take about a week to arrive.


On my way back from the final selection, I was thinking about the breathing styles and nen.

Does the existence of nen and nen users affect demons in any way?

Are the demons more powerful here...?

Why is the demon slayer organisation a secret for public eye..?

Should I learn nen?

These were some of the questions that were floating around in my mind.

Then I decided......if the demons are somehow more powerful here, there is a strong probability of that the demons are more powerful here....atleast that's what I can guess from facing the demons in the final selection.

So I decided that if I have to go up against demons, lower moons, upper moons and hopefully someday Muzan Kibutsuji, I'll have to keep everything in my arsenal.

Fighting Muzan huh....?

Hopefully I survive that long.......

I'll have to.....I have to be useful in this life....

So I decided.

I'll master breathing techniques and learn nen.
I swear I will protect everyone.

Flashback end.

So you're saying that nen is incapable of killing any demons and causing them any harm....? I question still confused.

Gyomei hummed and spoke.

Nen is a form of energy which works on animate and inanimate things, such as humans, animals, monsters or some non-living things.

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