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It had been a good ten minutes since Y/n had woken up. She was slightly hungover, nothing too dramatic but her head did spin once in a while. However, what startled her was the sleeping man beside her. Her eyes widened when she realised their position.

He had his arm loosely around her waist as they both faced each other. He was still asleep, breathing lightly as his chest would rise and fall rhythmically.

Her initial thoughts were those of panic, did we sleep together?! That is until waves of memories came back periodically. Memories of her hanging onto him like an idiot and her begging him to stay in her room during the storm. She began to feel her stomach churn in embarrassment.

How could she let herself get to that point of drunk. Why did she even let herself? It wasn't worth this level of embarrassment, not to mention with how weird things have been between her and Masky.

Hiding her face in the palms of her hands, she let out a long sigh. She should be at least one of the smartest people in this household, so why was she struggling so much recently? Peeking a glance at Masky she really took in his face.

He wasn't ugly looking like she had thought. Honestly she thought he wouldn't lift his mask off for insecurity reasons. He looked quite normal without the mask actually. His skin was clear and he had a clean shaven face and side burns. She remembered slightly giggling when she saw those last night.

He had a very strong face, not in a strange bodybuilding way. But he had sharp and prominent features that all pulled together nicely. She continued to analyse each and every section of his face until he began shifting in his sleep.

She felt as his grip around her waist pull her in more as he rested his chin on her head. She stiffened, not knowing how she would get out of this. The more she laid there the more comfortable she got. It wasn't the worst she guessed as she skittishly wrapped her own arm around him as well.

Masky soon enough, after shifting a bit in his sleep, opened his eyes slightly. Scrunching his face again, he blinked away any tiredness left from his eyes. Soon adjusting to the dim room with streams of sunlight poking from the curtains. "You up dumbass?" he whispered, still keeping his head above hers to avoid her looking at his face.

"Yes.." she responded trying to move from his grip. He only held her in place, making her conscious of how much stronger he was than her. " Don't move I don't have my mask on." he said softly. His morning voice was gravelly yet soft, making the tips of her ears adorn a shade of red.

"But I've already seen your face by now, I've been up for a little while now–" "I didn't ask that did I? Don't move. Please." he said quietly once more. Masky didn't like begging like this, he was embarrassed even that she was hearing him like this. An awkward silence surrounded the two, Masky felt his face and body heat up while trying to think of what words to say. Y/n only laid still, coyly listening as she felt Masky's heart pick up in speed.

"You won't tell anyone about last night will you?" she asked into his chest. There was a brief moment of silence before Masky spoke up. "...No, I won't." "I know we don't get along that well but do you promise me that for sure?" There was another pause, "Yes."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Keeping my secret"


"And for taking care of me last night–"

"You were quite the hassle."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I didn't mind any second of it."
"You've been more strange than usual." "Oh?" He hummed before holding her tighter. This time she didn't squirm or stiffen at the touch, she only accepted it."How so?" "I don't know, you're just... different."

"I'm...different?" he asked chuckling a bit. "Well yeah you've been acting very weird lately!" she said slightly hitting his chest. "Is this weird?" he asked before grabbing one of her wrists, to flip their position.

Masky hovered over Y/n, still holding her wrist to the mattress he stared down at her. Her face was riddled with shock, face burning at the touch. "What's wrong? I know you've got a smart mouth on you, put it to use." He mused while leaning in closer awaiting a response.

Y/n's e/c eyes met with his deep brown ones. She felt herself grow even more flustered than she already was. But why was she such a mess because of this? There was no way she was into this at all, Masky? Of all people in this household?


Biting then inside of her lip she shuddered out one word before her door swung open, causing a loud bang! against her wall. "HEY Y/N THE NEW TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE GAME CAME OUT WANT TO PLAY–" Ben paused as soon as he walked into the room.

Masky had his face turned away from the doorway, concealing his now beet red face. Y/n could only stare in horror as her friend stared back, equally in shock. For Ben, all he saw was one of his best friends getting topped in her bed. "Oh nah..." "Ben I swear it's not what it looks like–" she began to plead.

"Nah...Y/n...It's 10 in the fucking morning..." "BEN ITS NOT WHAT IT–" "Brother eugh..." Growing frustrated she began to shout. "BEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM OR I'LL DROWN YOU A SECOND TIME!" "Grosssss..." he said under his breath before shutting the door.

Masky let out a breath he was holding before resting his forehead onto her collarbone. "Fuck." he mumbled while Y/n still laid in horror. She continued not to move a muscle while staring off past his hair. His ears were completely red and parts of his neck. Again there was that thick silence that blanketed over them before she began to open her mouth once more.

"I hate you"

"I hate us too"


Strawberry Lollipops {masky x reader}Where stories live. Discover now