chapter 1 : The Surprise

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today's saturday. as I stretch my arms & try to feel the heat. "oh don't you love this day where you can finally relax from toxic days. the sweet smell of summer. the heat from the sunlight."

crap I look like an idiot pretending to be romeo. what's so sweet about summer all I'll be smelling will be sweat, this stupid heat is killing me, it's so freaking hot outside.

as I'm walking towards my room, I notice something above my bed. "what's this stuff doing in my bed" then I hear a knock on my door, wonder who's knocking. "it's unlock" well that's weird why is that no one's answering.

as I walk to check who knocked at my door. I open my door & I saw a small envelope "what's this thing doing in here, a prank from my twin?" curiosity is my mortal enemy, as I pick up the envelope I notice how quiet our house. "something smells fishy, it's so quiet." but I just brush it off & open the envelope

"babe did you notice the big box in your bed" yes. I mutter in my head. "open the box I have surprise waiting for you" haha wow with matching winking face ah ;)) dwayne knows me too well

"I love surprises" I felt excitement creeps on my body & as I run towards my bed I just notice something's written in the box "open me babe ;)" haha dwayne didn't know you can be this chessy.

as I start to peek & open the big box. wow! like OMG. this dress is so pretty. it's a pastel color of turquoise & brown. it's so pretty. but wait, wait wait wait. you could clearly see a cleavage in this dress. is it the end of the world, I know how he hates anything that shows too much skin.

oh ~ I notice something "a piece of paper" as I open the folded paper I saw his hand written message. I read what's written inside haha I laugh harder this time as I'm reading his P.S. or you could say his personal message or his warning haha

"P.S babe just please wear something like shawl or jacket that can cover your cleavage." then why did you gave me something like this, I mutter "your sister will probably kill me if I didn't give you this for this occasion & you know she never takes an answer for NO. so please babe, wear something to cover your... cleavage.

I might end up killing someone if I catch them looking at you. I know I'm being possessive, I'm sorry I can't help it. it just, you always make me fall for you every chances you get"

haha why would I wear a shawl. the purpose of this dress is to show its beauty. might at least tease him a little. I'm enjoying this. can't wait to see his reaction.

as I try to fit the dress. this zipper is my enemy. I can't reach my back! I tried calling my mom & of course my mom comes to my rescue! haha. I love her so much & I hate the zip zip zipper!.

as my mom helping me with my dress she mutters "sai you look so beautiful. if your dad sees his little princess dress like this he will surely cry." I giggle on my moms word & hold her hand

"mom even if I make my own family. I'm still your little princess. that fact will never change. I love our family, I'm blessed & thankful to be born & be your daughter. thanks mom for being a wonderful parents."

I saw a tears in my moms eye. I hugged her to comfort her "thank you for being my daughter." oh I'm the luckiest daughter in the world

"okay all set sweetie. you look perfect." as I look my reflection in the mirror I can't believe that it's the same person who's only likes to wear hoodie, pants & sneakers. so this is what I look like in a dress.

"sai the car's ready" I hear a knock in my door. I notice my brothers staring at me as if they saw a ghost "mom where's my sister" my mom laughs softly.

I pick my pillows & throws at their faces "geez! kuya. hello I also have feelings. feelings of being hurt." I pout & they laugh. "we were just joking baby. we're only shock that our little tomboy is finally a lady" my older twin brother kenneth said or let's say kent.

my most naughty twin brother. oh yeah we're quadruplets. kuya kenji's the oldest, second is kent. I'm the third & the youngest is our twin baby brother shin.

you could say even though we're twins we are born with different personalities, we may joke, prank & get hurt but it's a given that we're overprotective & we care for each other.

"sai. it's already late. I know you hate making someone's waiting for you." I look at my wrist watch. oh damn. I'll be late! "gotta go."

I immediately kissed everyone cheeks & rush to the car. "sai / sweetie. goodluck & be careful." my mom & twin said in unison. I wave my goodbye

additional info :
ate & kuya is a way of respect of calling someone who's older than you

ate : older sister
- like UNNIE or NOONA in korea

kuya : older brother
- like OPPA or HYUNG in korea

in asia country we have ways of calling older people. I'm used to use ate && kuya, I can't just put their name if they're older, it's like I disrespect them. so yeah! (: done explaining ^^

I use my own name because it's my first story that I wrote, I might be a newbie but surely I'll make you love my story as you continue reading it. please bear with me till the end 😊😍

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enjoy! :DD 💘💌💋

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