chapter 9 : Guitar

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present time


'I waited for you everyday sai & I never stop.why you didn't comeback as you promise.' he mutters.

as soon he heard sai finish singing 'you're still the one' dwayne knocked on the door. sai shout "the doors unlocked. come in."

dwayne enters the villa "felling any better?" he asked. sai just nodded "I just arrived from the hospital, my uncle just treated my ankle & gave me prescriptions." dwayne looked at her swollen ankle.

"what happened? how did you sprained your ankle." sai looked away blushing. dwayne thought she's embarrassed being asked like that but truth is sai is embarrassed on the thought on her 1st & 2nd kiss with yuki. of course she can't say that to dwayne

'it's so embarrassing to talk about how my 1st kiss got stolen' she thought to herself & I can't make dwayne worry about me, we just met & that will be rude on his side.

sai can't remember dwayne. she doesn't remember that they already met before in dwayne's mom garden. but dwayne remembers everything, especially their promises.

"have we met before?" sai asked dwayne. he suddenly felt a prick in his chest.

wait don't tell me you already forget about me. the thought of being forgotten is painfully enough

"no... we didn't." he said without looking at sai, he can't show his expression. "really but you looked familiar" she said

"I bet he's also handsome." he said jokingly "who?" sai asked "the guy who look like me. you said I'm familiar." still not looking at sai

"oh. haha. I don't know. but one thing I'm sure of is that you're a sincere & good person." she said

"are you sure? this is our first meeting how can you say I'm a sincere person & a good guy?" dwayne asked

"because that's what my heart says. & I can feel it." sai touch her chest pointing to her heart "see? my heart agrees to what I just said."

dwayne doesn't know if he should be happy or sad. he suddenly change the topic.

"awhile ago I heard you playing" dwayne pointed at the guitar "oh this" sai looked at her guitar

"it's a birthday present from my twin brother, they say it's a personalized guitar. it has a sentimental value." she smiled warmly

"who teached you to play the guitar? you sounded like a professional." now dwayne's looking at sai

"last summer my teacher taught me all of the basic & major technique in guitar. he's a great teacher, he patiently teach me." oh ~ is the only word he muttered

"where is he now." sai looked at him with a sad expression

"I don't know.... last summer we moved to state to finish our studies. I never see his face again. I also can't remember his face cause we only met once, all I could remember is his warm smile & gentle small hands." sai raised her hand, looking at it closely

dwayne is shocked "you're in the states since last summer?" sai nod

"yeah, my grandparents needs an operation & my uncle lives in states that time so my parents decided to moved in states to look after grandma. almost all of my relatives also moved in states."

"how's their condition now? your grandparents." sai smiles

"they're still in the states. dad said my grandma is recovering pretty fast in the country side & grandpa is getting a lot better too, that's what my uncle said when dad called him in the states." she said

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