chapter 39 : 3rd life

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practice game day 2 - basketball
SU vs RU

1st five players
RU - Alex, Michael, Justin, Gab & Lucas
SU - dwayne, brian, kyle, kenji & kent

1st set of the game SU won

"kuya don't you think dwayne's in the tight spot" kent said "what do you mean?" his older brother Brian, kyle & kenji asked

"looked at the 1st 5 in RU team. they are giving dwayne a death glare" everyone looked at alex, michael & justin. kent is right the 3 guys is cursing dwayne

they looked at dwayne & saw that he's been staring sai in the audience seat.

"hahaha you were right. if only glare can kill, dwayne's probably in the e.r right now not in the court" the jimenez brother laughs

"dwayne goodluck" kent said "ahm.. thanks (?)" dwayne said in a question tone

"go SU!!"

"everyone in the SU team is so freaking hot & handsome!"

"baby be mine!"

"I don't care which one I would marry as long it is so hottie like you"

"its so hard to choose between the jimenez!"

"castro marry me!" this is the cheer you could hear xD

in the 2nd set of the game. sai watch the game with mixed feelings, she's gripping her hand tightly

since the beginning of 1st set of the game alex & justin is already doing a physical attack on dwayne

"sir! check your player! its hurting mr castro!" brian said to the referees, dwayne softly taps brian shoulder

"I'm okay" dwayne said "I'll ask the coach to switch player, alex & justin is doing this cause they hold a grudge at you" kent said

"its the more reason I want to play this game. I'll prove to them sai is mine" kent shakes his head

"look at my sister she's in pain watching you being hurt. she knows that alex & justin is playing dirty" kyle said

dwayne looked at sai & waves "I'm okay. don't worry"

'shit sai looked like she's about to cry' dwayne thought to himself. he grip his aching tummy. alex elbow him in the rebound when the referees are not looking

"shit my ovaries!"

"I need a new pair of panties!"

"my panty size is S but when I saw you it become size XL"

"smoking hot babe!"

all girls keep on shouting different kinds of weird cheer 😂

sai looked at her coach & teammates. they're literally hugging their tummy & laughing so hard

"OMG I think they need a 10 wheeler truck of panties!" her coach said

"queen your kuya can make a girl pregnant with just a look. a girl just shouted about her ovaries!" sai force a smile

"castro be mine!" suddenly a group of girls scream

'this girl are so rude how in the world my kuya will fall for a desperate bitch like them. they don't have some proper manners are they really a rich & educated people & ya! dwayne is mine...I need to mark my territory." sai thought to herself

sai texted shin
sai : "thank God you're not in here shin"
shin : "why ate? did something happen?"
sai : "i'll tell you everything later.. but never step in RU. girls will probably rape you.!"
shin : "ok. haha 😂 what ate? are you serious?"
sai : "aha. dead serious 😤 your virginity will be stolen if you step foot in here"
shin : "hahaha ate didn't know you're a joker. chill at least we know martial arts, taekwondo & etc for self defense. btw talk to you ate, teacher gigi is here already. take care! I miss you! & I love you! goodlgoodluck to kuya also"
sai : "ok. I love you too! & I miss you!"

bbbbrrrriiiinnnggg *sound of buzzer*
SU won again in the 2nd set of the game

"the game is starting again" sai teammate said

"its already a 3rd set of the game" her coach said "don't you think that #3 & #9 is going a little too far. #3 is aggressive towards dwayne & #9 is also hurting dwayne" her teammate said. sai is gripping her hand.

she wanted to shout & slap those bully. alex & justin is playing dirty. they don't deserve to be part of basketball if they keep playing dirty

the 3rd set is on a tight game. justin & alex already received lots of warning, dwayne sprained his ankle when alex step on his foot.

prrrrriiii *whistle sound. it happened so fast. sai stand in her seat. dwayne tried to get the rebound but alex land on dwayne body, his elbow hits dwayne jaw & step on dwayne foot, dwayne lost his consciousness.

"stretcher! medic!" sai brother shouted.

sai froze. its like a slow motion, as she was staring at dwayne unconscious body, she holds her head. a blurry flash of memory comes to her head.

she saw someone being put in a stretcher. the body is lifeless. her dress is soaking in blood. sai called her name but the patient face is her ...

"dwayne!" her brother shouted. it's like sai went back to the reality, she runs towards the stairs "stairs" she mumbles. she touches her head again "ahhh! ahhh!"

she saw the stretcher passed by infront of her, medic is in panic.

she saw people wearing a white laboratory gown "a doctor, emergency kit, a stretcher" she mumbles, sai tried to pull herself together but her knees start to lose its strength

"dwayne!" brian shouted in a panic

the doctor move in his left side. the medic put him in a stretcher. sai saw dwayne head is bleeding. "blo..blood" sai mutters.

she tried to reach dwayne hand but she is afraid to touch it. when the stretcher is being pushed, dwayne accidentally touch sai hand "a blood & lifeless..body" sai hold her head

sai felt dwayne hand "'s cold"

she looked at dwayne again, going outside of the gym as soon as see sees the sunlight everything went back.

her memory of her dada accident, it cameback. her memory struck her greatly.

sai lost consciousness & lost her balance. she collapsed in the floor.



"goddess" everyone shouted

thankfully there's another doctor in the gym. "doc! she doesn't have a pulse!" the nurse said "she what?! move!" the doctor said

her brother froze on the spot it's like a de ja vu.

"sai! sai! sai!" her brother desperately called her name.

the doctor give her emergency cpr "pump.1001...pump.1002...pump.1003...pump.1004...pump.1005" she did the cpr 3 times. her heart beat is still not returning "damn it! miss dont die on me!"

"sai!" her auntie Annie shouted, as soon she heard an accident happened she rush in the gym

she was shocked seeing sai laying in the floor unconscious "doc! make sure to bring her back! brian call your parents!" her brother still frozen from where they're standing

"uncle! sai..sai is" gab call his uncle & his mom snatch his phone "kuya! sai...she's in...unconscious..she's in the RU gym"

"give me the automated external defibrillator" the doctor shouted.

the nurses are in panic. everyone who's in the gym are so quiet, no one is speaking.

"Annie! what happened! & what's with the defibrillator.. don't tell me she doesn't have an pulse..." her dad asked

"just come..sai! oh! God!" her auntie gasp

I plan to post sai parents picture in my previous chapter but I decided to use the angel picture in the angel voice. so now I think I'll post it this time ((:

if you enjoy reading my story please like, comment & rate! ((:

thanks && enjoy!! :DD

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