chapter 6 : dwayne vincent castro

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"Hi. I'm dwayne." dwayne looked at me & he gently smile.

he extend his arms. wait he looks...kind of familiar. I stare at him remembering where did I met him.

as I was about to reach for his hand suddenly yuki's the one who accepted his hand "I'm Yukio."

yuki tighten his grip on dwayne's hand but sai didn't notice what's happening cause she's staring at dwayne face remembering where did she met him. dwayne also tightened his grip on yuki's hand.

brian is the one who break the imaginary laser that the two are exchanging, if only staring can kill probably this two are already a dead meat.

the jimenez brothers also introduced theirselves to dwayne.

dwayne take a glance at sai again to his surprise he didn't realize that sai's been staring at him.

maybe because he is busy exchanging stare at yuki that he didn't realize sai gaze.

"hello I'm sai" a sweet smile escape from her lips "nice to meet you" dwayne heart skip a beat & smile back.

'wait she doesn't recognize me?' dwayne asked himself in his mind.

'but that's impossible. I mean, we already met last summer though I didn't get a chance to met her kuya but I get a chance to talk to her & taught her how to play the guitar.'

someone knocked on the door. jherico's the one who open the door.
"guys did you already finish fixing your stuff? it's already 8:30 am & our class will start at 10."

"oh sai. why are you still wearing a shirt and pants? don't you plan to attend your first day of school?" sai only look at kier with a force smile

"kier it's still 8:30 & our class will start at 10. & I sprained my ankle."
peter kier is yuki & reina brother.
"you what?!" kier is also sai's childhood friend he's the twins bestfriend. sai twins ~

"how in the world that happened?! sai" on the other hand brian & kyle is yuki bestfriend

"just calm down kier, it's not a big deal its just a sprain. no worries. hehe" sai said & force a smile to show that she's totally okay.

kier just sigh "look. robert will bring me to the hospital so that uncle can check my sprain ankle. kuya brian already give me some treatment to lessen the pain & swollen."

oh yeah kuya brian wants to be a doctor so he knows what to do in case of emergency. everyone in our family likes reading complicated book that's why people call us. "the walking dictionary or a walking encyclopedia."

because we can answer all of your questions & even the hardest question is just a piece of cake. photographic memory is a blessing with a high IQ.


"sai." sai look at the direction where she heard the familiar voice "dwayne?" she looked at dwayne with a question on her face. 'what?'

"here" dwayne gave something to sai "oh. thank you! it's my favorite food & drinks." she smiled sweetly at dwayne

"where did you buy this dwayne" he smiled "I'm the one who made the California maki & avocado shake. I thought you might like it"

in fact I know that's your favorite food cause you enjoy eating the food in our house. he said to himself

"I know you'll be alone that's why I brought this stuff to help you kill some time & that you won't get bored without your brothers company"

dwayne gave her a book , laptop that has lot of action & horror movies & lastly a video game. he knows all of sai favorite cause he's been in love with her on their first meeting.

as sai munch on her favorite food. dwayne laughs to himself & mumble "cute" guess I'll be back in here later

"sai. btw I need to go, the gangs been waiting for me outside." sai smiles at him & simply wave

"thanks & take care!." he turned around as soon as he sees sai smile, to hide his embarrassment & red cheeks & simply wave back without looking back

dwayne is the most popular guy in his old school. all of the girls fall head over heels in love with him.

but sai's an exception, he knows all of the girls fall for him at first sight but in dwayne's case he is the one who fall head over heels to sai.

dwayne is a perfect handsome guy. he isn't a jerk but a gentleman guy. he treats everyone equally. he doesn't give any special treatment to anyone but he will treat you right. dwayne is your dream guy. you will wish to be his girlfriend.

lots of girl. as in lots, tried everything to capture his heart. some did sing for him. try to kidnap him just to have a dinner. some also attacked him, haha what I mean by attack was that they the girls are naked & try to rape him.

every plan a person can think of on how to make dwayne fall always fail. his feelings won't budge until he met sai, everything change.

believe it or not. dwayne first love is sai marie jimenez. our angelic doll face protagonists. she's beautiful inside and out.


lunch break.

dwayne decided to visit sai's condition, he rushed immediately to the waiting shed to ride the shuttle service. there villa is kind of far away to their highschool building.

as he arrive & about to open the door knob of the door, he hears sai's singing. he stop right away on his track & decided to listen to her as she sing.

"she gotten really good in playing the guitar."

while continuing on listening to sai, dwayne started to reminisce his memory. on his mind the memory is still vivid.

their first time encounter & how did sai stole his heart. the image of sai that he fall inlove still lingers in his mind, that angelic voice.

dwayne closed his eyes, he touches his chest remembering the feeling that he felt the first time he saw sai.

his heart beating the way it beats when he heard her sing.

the memory flashed back like a rewind movie. it's summer, the day I realized that I fall for an angel.

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