Welcome to my life (chapter 1)

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Friday 1 April 2022

Zzz (dream)

When you're excited and think you're going somewhere cool and realise...
It's a fucking school day.
Oh well I got out and got to class...

Searching for the lost part of my rib.
My soul, my heart as I get lost in a book on the way to school...
The rib is closest to thy heart and is delicate enough to be made from him for him forevermore...
Not made from his foot to be walked allover or his head to topple over thy, but his rib, next to your heart to protect, care and to love you!
Mum warned that I shouldn't always believe in fantasy, but why's it so fun and believable?
Why does it always give you goosebumps and tear you up if it's not reality, but it seems that way!
How did they know it would work?
Or was it years of evil programming?
It was one spring when the heat was supposed to overratedely hit the big time?
Only I've yet to feel this master heatwave so I can tell you all about it...
The weather people were told it will worsen and we were told never to go out during this dreaded time, but I loved the sun, the humidity and sweat.
Besides I'm already used to smelly men I guess, it's because of work you know!
Why not go out?
I thought vitamin D was good?
I guess heatstroke was bad and Mrs Doubtfire once quoted or "Robin Williams famously said- I don't think you can get heatstroke twice in the same year!"
So I think I'll sit out like Doubtfire in the sun and crisp haha- no seriously you should know by now I want the tan, I need the sun and waves and I'm a total beach body, no abs, no calcium cannons just yet I'm in middle school.
My dream would be to live in a beach house, hearing the waves crashing on the ground and seagulls every morning ?
That would be a dream...
I never expected it would drive some people to such extreme levels of mindless behavioural patterns though.
I often fantasised...
Will this be my first real lover, the first time I hold hands that's not my dad or my brother?
I remembered all my sisters to-do list before I go on my first date!
Well not all of it I just remembered counting several things she did and asked mum for money before a date!
Fuck her I'm in the Middle of dreaming about a greasy, hot ass Vin Sander in his defined chest, his biceps and those protective triceps...
Those abs pressing against me and I'm engorged in his maleficent lips that once he began kissing I was locked there and unable to move...
Oh his sexy big lips, they're so fucking juicy and sensual I'm starting to feel something itch and I didn't question what it was because it was so freaking good...

(I was pouting in a dreamy fazed face)
Laying there...


My mum said with furrowed brows and a pouting mouth with her nose turned in, poking me on my shoulders...

As I lay there, my eyes gently closed I was dazing , the book open on my chest, my mouth closed and smiling- until I see something or someone attractive and it opens, showing my teeth- mum knew I was fantasising after reading her romance Novel- Forget you Never.

Mum had, had enough of this nonsense her lips tightly pulsed together and her eyes wide as a window when you open the curtains- she clapped into my face...

I half woke up, one eye closed and one eye open, my mouth was open as my mum wiped drool from the corner of my mouth using a tissue...
"Get up it's reality not fantasy,"
"Okay, okay I said," I yawned and stretched as if I were straining but I literally enjoyed that stretch it was from heaven.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed, quickly finished all my paperround and saw a new poundland opened up...
I grabbed a charger because I needed it.
I charged my phone in the library and trust me to sleep and forget to charge my fucking phone...

By 7:45 am I looked at my phone
It changed the number and not my battery percentage...
"Fuck that, to be 13% when it was 31% bs...
Imagine if someone called and it went da da da that would be like insanely faulty.
I quickly rode back home, grabbed a slice of toast and charged my phone again for fucks sake...
By the time I drank a bottle of water and had another piss my phone was at least 3x its age 62 years using my original charger.
The poundland one I left on the side cabinet by the front door to freak Emily out who will think it really changed her number, I checked on our landlines and it rang so it was just a faulty crazy ass charger.

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