Waterbug chapter 12 editing

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Monday April 11th 2022

It was that usual routine of mine and you know the story, wash face with clearsil, or pearl soap, use the spot thingy on my t-zone, it was a zair gel to dry them out and then I used rose water.
My 100spf suncream and napir cream...
Also a spritz of hydrochloric acid and vitamin c britening mist and serum, brush my teeth and hair and apply my duwey Charlotte Tilbury collagen serum and slip on salt of the earth deodrant with 100% pure musk perfume, a tshirt, jeans, socks, zair48 trainers because this limited edition pair donated millions to Palestine and Yemen and rush down and I grab myself any cereal bar and off I'm out on the bike to deliver papers and get my tips.

Howell's gave us free sandwiches this morning so I got them back into the refrigerator and got myself ready for school. I refreshed my brain and got all my books ready by looking into my planner.

My mum wanted me and Emily closer even if we never bonded over the same things so I'm not sure what's got up her butt crack- cannabis or a diaper rash from stupid g-strings (My mum- yes I saw them in her bedroom) not my finest day I was like am I the only granny pants girl in this blooming family, but I hustle hard!
I don't need no diaper rash from no thong ass string and that's a man named Sisco disco it was his beach Chimera dream...

Anyways my brother is an asswipe so I'd rather not get him involved in this because he's not good at keeping secrets and so we tread lightly as I know Grace is so clever and knows a little too much about me, I always wonder if Craig will ever stop his slimey tongue slipping so much!
Emily gets up at 5am, showers, does her hair and make up and is getting way more into p.louise, huda beauty and Charlotte Tilbury since I told her about the boycotting 2021.
I never thought she'd actually listen, only I don't see her in Tommy hilfiger, nike, puma, adidas, or any dkny anymore.
Not even lacoste, ysl, or Hugo Boss!
I'm impressed she binned all her saint laurent beaut to the charity, and her things even urban decay makeup and she stated if I want my face to decay then wear urban decay it's actually true its' a stupid name.
She threw everything L'Oréal into the charity bin, including nyx, and she didn't wear mac or anything owned by L'Oréal anymore, just some brands she still can't let go of...
She's trying to give up Diet Coke, but I told her the formula so I'll see how it goes from there, but I don't doubt Emily will do the right thing; just it will take her time, but I know she will do it!

With everyone ready, it was out and off to work or school.
We drive half way there and Emily takes the wrong turn, she winked at me, so I and shrugg my shoulders and wait, and pass lots of shops and trees, hedges, beautiful big homes and suddenly Emily stopped the car!
Right so I saw me and Emily stop at a drive in and I said no to macdonalds and dunkin doughnuts and Costa and starbucks so Emily said, "Okay I understand your passion and I will too support Palestine so let's go to the local diner and get a chocolate mocha shake before school," Emily looked at me with striking eyes...

"I'll pay sis," I said with serious eyes...

"No Monica you're my little sister,"

"I make more money though," I said furrowing my face and lowering my brows.
"I know, but I love you,"  Emily grinned.
"Emily I know, but a couple of shakes is the least I can do for you and I appreciate you helping me and I am a bum when it comes to expressing my emotions, but I do love you," I said with empathising eyes!
"Aww, you're cute, and I just totally figured out your love language," Emily raised her brows and smiled slightly with no teeth as if to say she knows it!
"Don't push it pepper breath." I smiled through a pout,
"Haha, okay, I'm not, and it's peppermint to you yeast breath," Emily looked at me with her raised brows and pout face...
"Shut up menthol overdose," I laughed half opening my creasing eyes and my mouth.
"Okay, let's get them before school starts class clown,"  Emily smiled tightly with her lips pulsed together.
"Yeast breath?" I said puzzling up my face with a flare in my nose.
"Too much pizza dough hun," Emily smiled with no teeth.
"Oh good one, but don't say that in school it sounds like an infection," I said with a serious face and a weird look on my face.
"Haha, oh yeah, don't worry 😅I won't!... Emily laughed with a long blink.

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