secret admiror (chapter 6)

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Wednesday April 6th 2022

Mike was an early bird and was up, and so was I with that terrible singing for crying out loud...
He sounded like a seagull hooked on crack, "I'm powerful and one day you'll see me clean Ronaldo's car, one day I'll clean Owen Stephens tour bus, woah oh oh oh oh oh,"

If you're looking for a total black out on the X Factor- Mike is your man!

I clutched the pillow over my ears and shut my eyes tight, grunting, but it was no use he was annoying as Hell...

"Mike shut the fuck up I'm sleeping, you zub al himaar bi deezak" I said with my face poking under the duck feathered softest pillow I had ever slept on in my entire life!

Mike walked in with seriousness, his lips tightly together and arms tightly by his side!

"Get up; you lazy no good whinging Moose, and I don't know what you're babbling or murmuring on about you Pérro pölla,"

I was annoyed at this point and the top of back was sore, tired and aching.

"Let me sleep beeswax bumbum and I said Donkey's dick up your ass," I replied with a sleepy croaky voice, my eyes were lightly shut and my hair was a frizzy mess with strands hanging out all over the place.

Mike was laughing, his laughing lines were prominent...

"Okay, fine, Spierdalaj, I called you chicken dog,"

"What," I replied trying to open my eyes as I blinked with them closed trying to resist that awful light.

"I said fuck you in my mothers language," Mike chuckling...

I got half up, my eyes still shut, my face wrinkled as I stretched, but my eyes were still closed, I said in a low puzzling voice...
"You're mixed race?"

Mike replied with a smile.
"Yes so I can swear at you and you won't even know what it means haha I know insults from other customers too haha..."

He laughed hard, his eyes wrinkled, even his bottom teeth were showing and his molars and tongue too ...

I finally opened my eyes...
Mike pointed to the door to get me to go get ready...

At this point, I gave up...
I went to take a shower because my body was aching for some reason.

Mike had a different kind of home...
His bathroom was duckegg, with two awning windows that were absolutely huge, he had asked me earlier to open both of them so I pushed the buttons and moved them I slightly, then moved them all the way and then pushed each window outwards.

I wasn't keen on the duckegg paint, but I liked how he decorated his bathroom.
The white wooden clothes bin, the white wooden drawers, white wooden tallboys at least two of them.
The nice big sink and white cabinet and then his bath and shower were connected together his bath was not a corner bath, but a huge circular arched bathtub...
I had a shower, grabbed a towel from the rail, then I got dressed, blow dried my hair only slightly...
Mike had no hair products other than gel so I had no choice...

If this gel look weren't a thing...
People will say it's a dirty look.

I blow dried the rest thoroughly and brushed my teeth, he hadn't much face care products either so I used teatree collection that he had.
I had to use no scented body lotion and a new deodorant hoping it would last.

I put Mikes' sliders on and went downstairs and it felt quiet, but I felt comfortable here!
I sat down,
Mike hadn't a kitchen as big as ours, but it was not small either, he had a huge fridge freezer in white, the cooker was a 6 hob, double grill, a mountable microwave, air dryer and halogen oven.
His cupboards were grey and the worktops were grey granite.
The floor was grey tiling and it was dark.
His breakfast table matched the worktops.
His sink was big and his dishwasher was slimline.

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