The dilemma (chapter 7)

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Thursday, April 7th, 2022

It was a humid morning, I felt sticky and yucky, I opened my window and there was a slight breeze thank fuck for that!

I had a shower and did my hair I blow dried it, tied it back and that was it for me!

I told Mike I'd have breakfast at home today, and wore yesterday's outfit to do the paperround!

So I rode to the shop to collect the papers did my usual, round the block, collected my money from the corner shop,
It was my favourite shop and Saleh was great, sometimes he was quiet, sometimes he was loud, even excitement showed in his eyes when he'd smile!
"Hey here is your money and thank you, take whatever you want from my shop," He said with kind eyes.

"Thanks, Saleh. I'll just grab this lucozade thanks,"

"Right see you tomorrow," his face into his phone.

He had an element of mystery about him...

His counter was opposite the door, besides him were chargers, then a few shelves of air freshener, then chocolate, sweets and toys, there was loads more toys on an opposing shelve...
The ceiling hung big balls that his workers will pump up...
Then the fridges were full of drinks and had up to 6 shelves, also the open fridge, had cheese, fruit, yogurt, and milk, sandwiches, wraps and other stuff like cakes which I loved!
There were two mire fridges and two huge standing freezers full of goods...
Ice cream, veg, kebabs, samosa, burgers, chicken nuggets, besides them were eggs, then opposite the open fridge was American sweets, there was a little onions, potatoes, chillie, coriander, cucumber, garlic and tomato puree, baked beans, and then some other stuff, there was a shelve full of cakes and biscuits and popcorn and other movie share snacks...
Breads, including finger buns and burger buns...
There was a door and it lead to the toothpaste and brushes, gels for hair, sanitary towels, cleaning supplies, huge 90 rolls of toilet papers and a door to his store that was locked and he let me go down for the papers, it was like a Soda heaven...
It was a cool place, he had loads of cameras now from thieves...
This woman once pulled a fast one, asking to see flavours and then say it wasn't that one and snuck it into her ugly jacket, me and Emily saw it on his Snapchat... we watch it around her...
We always swiftly say...
"Thieving whore," in a low toned voice...
She turns around and says, "No speak English,"
We both laugh at her, then look at eachotger with a sly look...
"But you know how to steal from red-shop, clever cunt ho,"
Our voices were swift and low toned and we walked away that day, she was named and shamed and nobody spoke to her except for her own people who equally disgusted us we all petitioned to remove them out of the private housing elsewhere.
Anyway out of my head and back to reality...
I was riding my bike, the sunshined... so I liked my sunnies...

"Good morning Howell's,"
"Morning Monica, hey thanks for my paper and I got you your tip, a karak chai and also try this you'll love it,"
"Thanks Mr Howell,"
He gave me some new flapjacks in rhubarb custard flavour, and I was not a huge fan, so I took them home.
He saw me wrinkling up my nose at them and gave me some glazed doughnuts too, he smiled he knew when I liked something or I didn't...
I smiled and gradually remembered I had to thank people and not just smile and jump up in excitement!
"Sorry I'll take your word for it, you are a good judge of character Monica,"
"Thanks, Mr Howell I'm just not a huge a rhubarb fan, but others might be." I smiled... I rode on my bike...

It was a nice day and Grace was on her bike talking to Sammy Bright and I saw them, but not close enough to hear what they were saying and this was starting to fuck with my head real bad, real bad...
I still don't know where the note came from.
So I went round to Grace's house and told her Grandma that I left a book.
"I sniffed through all her perfumes and it wasn't Grace,"

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