Fraudulent Bitch! Chapter 10

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Saturday April 9th 2022..

1:00 pm

Previously Andrew was having lady issues and Wasn't much of a charming nor charismatic guy that I liked!
He didn't compliment me which I found odd and he avoided me after declaring how much he was into me at School and then his cousin thinks I'm pretty?
I found this extremely odd....
So please let me continue with this horrifying date from fucking demon bum bums hell shitter!

Okay so I'm really confused now, I already have issues going on that I don't know you know... it's these darn trust issues they're like real bad 😅but I can't help that... I also have these habits of over thinking and completely over analysing and fantasising things in my imagination or in this case I'm thinking something highly suspicious, but I just don't know what?

I tend to overthink things- "does he really like me, does he- is this really happening?"
It is my fault that things were dying off with Sammy and why couldn't I just accept he was moody Margaret from Horrid Henry instead of trying to paint him as this perfect seed and perfect plant or those magical Tamarind seeds that are from Ghana and meant to bring extremely good luck to whomever finds such a blessed seed according to Grace Nichols who was one of my favourite childhood authors of all time.

I let his cousin first tell me his name which was Marcus Kilpatrick
"Oh dear that's quite a name," I said with raised eyebrows and a smirk!

"Yeah, being the football captain nobody said a word to me, and respected my prestigious company, and now it's always- 《hey Marcus, why'd you kill Patrick for?》

Or I'm a serial killer, and haha, they kicked me off the team because I'm a manslaughterer or a murderer or they say stuff like "a killer is loose and walking round school," He said with really slow blinking and shaking his head in disbelief!

"Shit, and I thought my life completely sucked," I said with wide eyes a partially open mouth and slightly raised eyebrows...

"I can't imagine what it's like for Muslim's Monica, though can you imagine! It must be so hard for them every single day to go out and be labelled something you're totally not," He looked at me with anger in his eyes and furrowed eyebrows and a frown.

I swiftly said,
"Yeah they always get called racist names and terrorists, but I love the foreign exchange students at school and this Pakistani boy he invited me and Emily over and we had saag and dhall and it was spicy and really nice food, I mean Emily cried, her nose ran away with her heels and her eyes could have created a glass of bodily fluid," I said with a smirk!

"Now I'm jealous I really want to meet this family," Marcus pouted with his playful eyes...

"Don't worry they will be back to renew their scholarships next semester and I'll introduce you to Hakeem, he gave me a bracelt with the Pakistani flag on it as a souvenir and goodbye gift," I smiled!

"Awesome." He smiled.

Marcus had an invitingly Warm charming smile which was sounding like a beautiful romantic melody, da da da da da da da da da daaa daaa daa, which was quickly interrupted by a record screeching coming to the halt of a melody or just the sound of a panting Andrew saying he's dry and ready.

So Marcus drives us to a drive thru and goes and sits in a nearby bar.
We watched Devil you know because I wanted to see it to stop this bomb man hosing off on me and setting off a stink bomb like he's at the gym doing a set of weights and so I skipped anything too scary or romantic.

He went to grab me an iced latte, himself some water and more fries, he kept eating, drinking, and burping, which I found funny.
He was just like one of the dudes, only sweatier and stinkier.
He asked if I wanted some fries, but just the thought of the dripping sweat off of his hands and chin immediately churned my rumbling stomach...

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