17 • Nightmare comes true

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"Jesus! Just tell me what's wrong??"

He said, gripping his hands around my forearms. I slowly raised my eyes to lock it with him as more tears followed.

"I- I can't do this anymore! I can't help you with this plan!"

I whispered but I'm sure he heard, as his grip tightened around my shoulders.

"What do you mean you can't help me?and why the hell are you crying?!?"

He roared while I whimpered in his tight grip.

"I- I don't love you anymore..."

I shut my eyes tightly, not daring to look into those eyes which I loved once. I felt his grip loosening around my shoulder as I slowly opened my eyes.

"You love him, don't you?"

He said, boring his eyes into my soul. I gulped looking away from him. My body flinched as he harshly threw the vase which broke into a million pieces.

I swear to god it was my first time seeing him like this. He wasn't the sweet angel Jimin, I knew.

My legs abruptly backed away as he started taking big steps towards me.

"You came here to tell me that you love the man who married you forcefully? Huh? Are you fuvking out of your mind Yn! Wasn't I enough that you went around wh0ring?!"

He blurted out with so much hate leaving me speechless.

I was totally shocked by his choice of words. I know I was at fault but was it my fault that my fate did dirty to me? Was it all my fault? I just wanted to be with Jimin but in the process my stupid heart fell for Jungkook, the person who I was about to destroy and now I'm hurting everyone around me.

I yanked his hand away which was holding my arm tightly. I just want to leave, I just want to get away from this mess. I quickly turned around running as fast as I could.

Author's POV:

You drove at a fast pace as nothing seemed to work to calm your nerves down. Tears continuously streaming, hands shaking against the steering wheel.

The guilt was drowning you deep down in the dark.

First the forceful marriage, then this all revenge thing and lastly the betrayal you gave to both of them.

You pulled the brakes with a jerk as your shaky hands desperately roamed to open the door.


You called out as soon as you entered the house.


your steps halted as soon as you scanned the surroundings.

Everything was shattered as if someone just broke into the house. Vases shattered at the ground, curtains pulled off, everything was a mess.

You couldn't think of anything positive as negative thoughts clouding up your mind.

"No! N-nothing's gonna happen!! He'll be safe! Y-yes- jungkook! Jungkook will find him out!"

You desperately spoke while harshly wiping your tears. You dashed out of the house before driving away to Jungkook's house.


You stepped inside looking like a crazy person, in worry of your brother. At this point of your life you couldn't bear to lose that person who brought peace to your soul and the fact that not finding him in the house with all the things shattered wasn't any help to your already worried self. You just want to see your brother safe and alive.


You slightly yelled while walking towards the living room. There sat the only person who could help you.

You know it's Jimin who did it, after all he was betrayed by you.

You searched for his eyes but his eyes weren't showing anything which could help your state.

But without caring about anything you ran towards him, grabbing his hand.

"J-jungkook! Yoongi oppa isn't at home! Find h-him! I want to see him rn! please!"

You cried out, desperately but he stood straight, without moving. He didn't budge nor did his eyes. They were calm yet scary.

"What are you doing!!? Find him!!"

You slightly yelled, frustrated from the way he was standing still.

"Where were you?"

His serious voice and question halted your moves as your heart skips its beat. Your eyes enlarge as you find his eyes turning into a fierce one.

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.


you stepped back as soon as his hand grabbed your throat. A gasp left your mouth as your back got pressed against the nearby wall with his hand gripping around your throat.


Jungkook growled loudly making you shiver in fear.

He didn't find out...right?

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