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Chapter 231

The emergency room was still busy for this purpose. It was because the news reached the reporters.

Lee Sejin looked at the floor and thought silently.

'I contacted the company, so it must be over now.'

Even though he couldn't calm down, he himself yelled at them, so soon all kinds of words would come out from the staff members who grasped the situation.

Still, he couldn't do it... this situation.

Except for Ryu Chungwoo, who had lost consciousness, he was the only person who could contact the company, but he couldn't stay calm.

"... ... Hueup."

Lee Sejin grabbed his smartphone and caught his breath.

His hands trembled.

Most of the members were fine. It was to the extent to which joints were sprained or fractured.

After some time, the aftereffects would have to be checked, but Lee Sejin now only suffered minor abrasions.

The person who caused all of this was thrown out and passed out because he was not wearing a seatbelt. But even that was merciful compared to someone else.

'He should have died.'

However, Lee Sejin held his breath in overwhelming emotions rather than anger toward their former manager.

It was horror.

-Is everybody okay... !

When he checked the conditions of the members right after the accident...

The last person he saw next to Ryu Chungwoo in the back...

'... No, it'll be fine.'

He... Maybe because he was so taken aback, he must have thought that the injury was more fatal than it actually was.

All of them are lightly injured, but Ryu Chungwoo, who was closest to the place where the car hit the back, only cracked his leg, so only Park Moondae... It couldn't be true.

It was because of the bleeding. He got a blood transfusion and surgery, so he'd be fine.

Lee Sejin tried to calm his head, making guesses about the field he didn't even know well.

It was because he almost signed the consent form for Park Moondae's surgery right before.

-Current patient condition... ... It's dangerous... ... He needs to have a tube inserted right now... ...

He tried to listen as much as he could, but he couldn't concentrate.

There was no sense of reality.

'We... Until just now, our 2nd-anniversary performance was held.'

No matter how many times an accident came without warning, did it have to come without any preparation whatsoever?

So powerlessly?

Yes, this was nonsense.

'Everything was going well.''

Wasn't this too unfair? Park Moondae did nothing wrong...

Talented, sincere, and hard-working people were not so common in the industry, so why did it have to be Park Moondae?

The guy whose life wasn't easy.

-Parental consent is required.

- A guardian...

Lee Sejin's blood ran cold.

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