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Chapter 249

Back in time, a few weeks ago.

It was shortly after when a sneaky notice about a broadcast that will reveal the stages that were not chosen at TeStar's donation concert' came out.

Excited fans were a bit puzzled when they checked the broadcasting company.

-It's CVN?

-It's not TNet, it's suddenly CVN.

It wasn't just a popular music channel like TNet that organized the stage, it was a cable channel famous for entertainment shows and dramas.

-Do they want to do entertainment shows?

-How are they planning to come out? Are they going to do a reality show again?

-The timing is ambiguous

Idol reality shows have often used their own Internet platforms, except in rare cases.

It was rare that a full-fledged program was organized on such a large channel. It was also at an ambiguous time, neither comeback season nor tour season.

-What is T1 doing?

-You're not trying to make a story our of the accident, are you, T1 bastards?

└Accident (Wrong) T1 caused the accident (Correct)

└Indeed, this is correct

-Attempted murder. I hope the company goes bankrupt and only the kids do well.

Although it was an exceptional situation that even those who were doubtful or worried sometimes came out, the majority waited for the new content with only a little suspicion.

And after a few days...

[Let's go to a villa only for TeStar!]

[ <TeStar's Island Life> , 9/30 Wed]

The preview was an image of a beach, a hammock, and a cool drink under a blue sky.

This publicity, which was newly launched through official channels and articles, pointed to one fact.

TeStar was resting and healing!

-Oh, thank God

-Of course, it's best to rest without a camera... Thank you, guys

-ㅠI hope the kids will eat a lot of delicious food, sleep soundly, and have fun, as if seeing each other comfortably after a long time...

-They didn't have to leave the country, so they chose a place where there were no people.

Fans were relieved and delighted with the very typical and common sense reality show format.

Even after the shoot, when TeStar took a surprise vacation during the Chuseok holiday, which was secretly leaked

into the article, the atmosphere became slightly softer.

-Guys, let's eat a lot of delicious food and get a good rest.

-You really, really worked hard. Thank you for taking care of Loviewers until the end. Take care of your health and see you in a healthy way ♡ ♡ ♡

This was because the public opinion that worried about them not being able to properly rest due to filming had subsided.

Comments such as "TeStar will be able to rest well after filming" and "The damn company is finally paying attention" were general opinions on fans' social media and communities.

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