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Chapter 328

Certainly, I had met Bae Sejin in the body of Ryu Gunwoo.

'All I did was cheer him on in front of the sink to avoid the situation.'

There were times when I doubted whether Bae Sejin remembered the experience impressively.

However, I never suspected that he would remember Ryu Gunwoo's appearance.

There must be tens of thousands of fans who had seen this guy's face, but he remembered the face of a fan he had only seen once? The one who even wore a hat?

However, if he pointed with his finger and exclaimed, it meant that he was saying 'I know him'. There was no doubt about it.


Still, I guess he couldn't hear the bizarre situation where 'Ryu Gunwoo' called me hyung because I was wearing earphones. Good.

As soon as I guessed the situation, I immediately opened my mouth. Naturally.

I had to talk to the guy in my smartphone.

"Hyung, I'll call you back."

-Uh... ? Uh...

I couldn't let Bae Sejin ride the flow. I cut it off once and let it go.

However, Bae Sejin moved first. He grabbed my arm and sighed.

"You... You found him!"

"... !"

"That...is that the guy you saw in the video?"

At that moment, I understood the situation correctly.

'Ah. Was it like that?'

Right. I remembered now. Bae Sejin accompanied me when I checked Ryu Chungwoo's video.

He must have remembered after seeing it carefully several times back then.

... Or he remembered doing crazy things like breaking into a co-worker's home on holiday night and rummaging through family videos.

I barely answered.

"... ... Yes. That is him."

"As expected!"

Bae Sejin looked at 'Ryu Gunwoo' on the screen with knowing eyes.

'Even so, he has good eyesight.'

The video was filmed when I was quite young, and the content inside had changed, so the impression would be different, but he still managed to find out.

-Excuse me... Shall I say hello?

No, just stay still.

I took Bae Sejin's question while glancing at the screen.

"How did you find him?"

"Because there is someone in Chungwoo hyung's family that he contacted."

In order to prevent more questions and answers from saying unnecessary things, I explained the situation in more detail.

I finished with this.

"You know, when the two of us went out for a short break a few days ago. Then we met and exchanged contact information."

"Hmm, yes."

That... It looked like he didn't even know that Ryu Chungwoo and I went out that day.

'Well, he's not Keun Sejin.'

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