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Chapter 411

"I am happy to share meaningful news here today."

Lee Sejin's presentation at the awards ceremony was flawless. Even people who were talking about age and seniority became quiet once the awards ceremony got underway.

In addition, the group he belonged to also won an award and produced a good image.

"The Performance Award goes to... GY-ROP!"

-Ohhhhh ㅋㅋ

-Lee Sejin, is he crazy walking out of the MC's seat? He's so cool.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's cute how the kids join in and say hello.

Lee Sejin grinned as he joined the surrounding members on the podium.

When he made eye contact with his 'hyungs', they quickly smiled. It was a sincere response that clearly showed that they were paying close attention.

'Yes, they're doing well.'

It was worth it.

This was because as soon as Lee Sejin regained his reality TeStar self, he showed the members a true taste of reality.

First of all, the day he dyed his hair and returned home.

-Wow~ What are you doing?

-Lee Sejin, he'll do whatever he fucking wants, oh~

Finally, Lee Sejin grinned and spoke to the guys who were giggling at him, or at least had their noses stuck in their smartphones without even reacting.

-Hmm... Are you laughing right now?

-... ?!

-But the answer is correct. Wow, I'm going to do whatever you want, just like you said!

Then, he went to the company and informed them that he had dyed his hair.

This was exactly what he proposed as a trade to a company that was frightened by unexpected situations and was torn between artist care and corporal punishment.

-Huh? Everyone was acting so comfortable, so I thought it would be okay. I had to report everything you did~

The members' deviant behavior.

From love tricks to secret accounts and lines for networking for clubs.

Originally, GY-ROP's Lee Sejin would have detonated a bomb while trying to resolve all the matters himself.

-No... !

-Here, do you see the conversation history?

No matter how good their grades were, they had only been active for 3 years. Of course, the company was shocked and took action to resolve the issue.

Cell phones were inspected, surveillance was strengthened on every move, emergency bells were ringing, and the tight management system that was used just before debut kicked the members' butts again!

And of course, the members were furious at Lee Sejin.

It was basic to tacitly tolerate and keep quiet within the team, so daring to come out like this was an unacceptable act of betrayal.

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