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Chapter 298

Idols before and after their active period were very busy.

When there was no name value, they were busy publicizing themselves, and when they had a name value, they were busy making a profit.

In that sense, it was quite a reckless challenge to hastily gather in one place a rookie right before debut, an idol in their 4th year with hit songs, and an idol in their 10th year who was on a stadium tour.

[That's why we're doing a video call? Amazing.]


I pressed my forehead while watching the split screen floating on my laptop.

The left column was empty. And on the right, Gold 2 sat with a headset on, looking agitated.

It was 2:00 AM now.

I chose a time when all three of us were available, and only this time slot was left.

"It would be right to be in a soundproof place."

[Yes. I'm in the dorm's dressing room right now, and the door is locked! But even if I get caught, wouldn't everyone think we were talking about a drama?]

I barely answered.

"Be careful though."


This guy was too light, perhaps thanks to his success in stocks after only returning for 11 months.

He seemed to know how to use his brain, but his attitude... Well, it was his life, so he'd take care of it.

[The name of our group came out, do you know what it is? Spacer!]

"Yes, congratulations."

Gold 2, Kwon Heeseung took a deep breath and started talking about the main topic only after talking about his personal affairs.

[I'm a little nervous. The Future People's meeting... it's going to come out on Netplus.]

I see.

[And really... Wow, I didn't expect that sunbaenim to come too.]

That was right, I guess I could explain a little bit about this point as well.

I checked the initials lit up for 'online' in the friends window on the screen.


Anyone could see it, but this guy was Cheongryeo.

Yes. Instead of isolating these bastards separately and collecting information while remaining anonymous, I opened up from the beginning and prepared for a three-way meeting.

There was only one reason.

[Come to think of it, I've been collecting information about this situation in my own way.]

Gold 2, this bastard... Because he would have been discovered within a few months at the latest.

Look at this bullshit.

[l heard there were cafes like People who came back from the future on the Internet? But it turned out that they were just pretending... What concept do they have? Wow, I was really disappointed.]

'He would've been robbed by Cheongryeo by the end of the year.'

I could guarantee it.

And when Cheongryeo belatedly realized that I already knew this guy's identity and used him, would I have the confidence to take care of it?

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