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Chapter 237

The call to Cheongryeo was connected after a few beeps.

However, common sense greetings such as 'hello' did not come out.

- You're alive.

I knew it would be like this.

"Somehow, I am."

-Ah, I don't mean that I wanted you to die.

"I don't think you particularly wanted me to be alive."

Wouldn't it be better for that bastard if one of his target competitors fell behind, so it would be his gain?

But the voice over the phone didn't laugh.

- You said you couldn't restart.

"... ..."

-Then, you should be alive. You're saying something weird.

What was this?

It was strange to be scolded by this crazy bastard.

But I wouldn't deny that there were some pleasant aspects.

The madman I saw in my coma was talking about the preciousness of life, so it seemed that time was medicine.

Of course, the reset button was taken away from him now.

"Well, thank you for your concern. Anyway, I'm fine."

-Is that so? But why did you call?

"I have something to ask you."

After I finished my calculations, I spoke right away.

"Do you have time tomorrow morning or the day after tomorrow?"

-Why are you asking?

It was simple.

"So you can visit me in the hospital."

I couldn't go out because of the environment, so I'd have to call this guy.

It was only then that I heard laughter over the phone.

* * *

After a few deals and coordination, Cheongryeo spat out that he would visit in the morning of the weekend three days later.

It was a plan that was possible because the other guys who used to visit almost every day because of their future activities planned to return to their parents' homes for the weekend.

Oh, except for one guy.

"When can you have melons again?"

"If the hospital allows me to."

"I want to ask!"

"Be patient."

I pitied Cha Eugene who had to stay in the dorm even on weekends and resided in the hospital room.

It was said that his parents came to Korea after hearing that he was injured, but it seemed that they left Korea last week.

Well, it was difficult for an office worker to stay in a foreign country for more than two weeks. No matter how it was in the United States, it would be difficult to take a vacation.

Instead of melons, I threw several large, improved tangerines to him. Seon Ahyeon bought them.

I think he bought a fruit that could be eaten right away when permission was given because it could be stored for a while, but... I didn't think it would last that long.

DΟD (CH 220-418)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant