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Chapter 353

"Come in."

"... ..."

Park Moondae, wearing a black hoodie, staggered a little as he entered the front door. Kongi groaned and hovered around him.

Only the dog's cry echoed in the spacious and quiet dorm.

"Kongi, paw."

Cheongryeo was already trying to lift his dog, which meant that he was preparing to 'finish the walk'...


He deliberately asked his guest.

"Can you help me?"


Park Moondae silently wiped Kongi's feet, prepared the meals, and eventually accepted the dog rubbing his head on his leg.

'He can't come to his senses.'

There was no reaction that Cheongryeo usually saw whenever Park Moondae thought that he had crossed the line.

Cheongryeo put the hot drink on the other side and spoke casually.

"Have you failed?"

"... ..."

The person in the hood raised his head. There was no particular backlash.


It would depend on what kind of failure it was, but it didn't seem to be work-related.

'Then there's no way I wouldn't know.'

He didn't miss his competitor's trends.

Maybe it was faster for him to get information out of Park Moondae rather than asking the poor company...

Cheongryeo looked at the competitor who was still wearing a mask and then continued.

"I heard you had something to say. Say it. I will listen."

"... ..."

Park Moondae looked down at the dog and spoke in a low voice.

"You said you explained the situation to someone else."


Oh, did he fail in that way?

Apparently, Park Moondae told someone else about the situation.

Park Moondae confided in one person, who was apparently the same age, so it was highly likely that the remaining one he told was also the same age as him. Relationship pressure usually worked that way.

He could have said something like 'I told you not to do it,' but... Cheongryeo held back.

Even if he didn't say that out loud, it seemed like he knew it well.

"An excuse... I heard you had an excuse to use."


He looked at him wondering if he was just asking for information, not a deal or threat, but his hoobaenim didn't seem to be in a state to make such calculations.

It was really out of the ordinary.

Cheongryeo confirmed that the reason Park Moondae didn't hold the cup in front of him was because his hands were shaking.

The sleeve fabric fluttered.

"... ..."

He was in a state of crisis as if his body was an empty shell. It seemed like he was barely enduring the tremendous shock of incontinence.

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