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Chapter 245

It had been a long time since I last had a conversation with Ryu Chungwoo.

'Is this the first time since waking up?'

No. Before waking up, I was keeping my distance from him thanks to the damn truth-check. It might have been a little longer.

'... Checking the truth, it looks like it's going to happen again.'

I briefly recalled the pop-up and then erased it from my mind. There was still time.

Anyway... After waking up, this guy didn't seem to be in good spirits, so I deliberately left him alone. In my experience, scratching at times like this would make him angry.

So, it means that I didn't know that Ryu Chungwoo would prepare a place like this first, as soon as the concert was over.

"Would you like something non-alcoholic?"

"... Um, yes."

I accepted the non-alcoholic canned beer he gave me.

Click. Gulp.

The sound of opening a can and the tingling sensation of swallowing it were refreshing.

"... ... You drink well."

"It's kind of like that."

It's not that I wanted to drink like crazy, but I couldn't say that I didn't think about drinking from time to time.

I didn't know if Ryu Chungwoo was trying to be polite or not, but he himself opened a non-alcoholic beer.

The chat started in such a rather soft atmosphere, and it was not difficult to get to the point.

"Have you ever considered a lawsuit?"

That's right, the sudden concert ended, so it was time for this topic to come back. I answered honestly.

"I've been thinking... Honestly, I think it will be burdensome for more than half a year now. The momentum will collapse."

"That makes sense too."

Ryu Chungwoo quietly drank his beer.

"Now one year and... The value of one year after 10 years will be different."


It was a concern for occupational groups whose uncertain prime time ended short when they were young.

-Is this job worth throwing away a year of our prime time?

Ryu Chungwoo was originally an athlete, so this kind of judgment would be more familiar.

The guy smiled bitterly.

"It seems like Sejin hasn't given up yet. He's been looking into a lot of things. And a lawyer."

"... A lawyer."

"Yes. It's like consulting via text."

When did he have time to do that while practicing?

I was stunned, but at the same time, my appetite was a bit bitter.

He must have wanted to prepare for a lawsuit rather than a concert, so he must have been frustrated because he suddenly had a donation concert.

It seemed that he put up with it a lot because it was the wish of the dead and awakened man.

"... ..."

Ryu Chungwoo and I just drank beer without saying a word. And I was the first to speak.

"First... Shall I call Sejin hyung?"

DΟD (CH 220-418)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt