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Chapter 379

"The team I want to join is Shin Jaehyun's team."

I chose Cheongryeo's team.

Even the trainer opened his eyes wide. He had an attitude as if he thought I would naturally choose Jin Chaeyul's team.

[Huh? Hyung?]

Even this quiet guy came out after saying, 'I won't interfere while you're filming.'


[Uh, well, Chaeyul was your competitor just before, but the atmosphere you guys had was good... I thought you would do great together as a team this time... ...]

So, he also imagined his own version?

I laughed inwardly.


[Heok! Why?]

'It's a good idea, but it has a lot of pitfalls.'

Because my position would become ambiguous.

First of all, if I got along with Chaeyul, my opinion would definitely be stronger than this guy's. Since I already had a record and I had advantages in both skill and age, there was nothing he could do about it.

Here, if I withdrew and said, 'Since I lost, I'll keep quiet', the image would get weird. If there was no one better than me on that guy's team, I would have to take charge again.

'That can't happen.'

Then, issues would arise from song selection. If we continued with the light and refreshing concept like last time, the president would find problems to nitpick at.

'He'll talk about us rehearsing without getting our acts together.'

Otherwise, people would think we're fighting.

But what if the route was changed to a gloomy concept in line with the president's evaluation? This is exactly what would happen:

-Well, I guess I wasn't expecting something like this.

-I understand why, but it seems like when you try to be considerate, your true colors won't be able to show through, so...

I was sure when episode 3 aired, there would be quite a bit of public opinion opposing the president's harsh criticism and defending me and that I was pretending not to be disappointed because I had let down the expectations of those people.

No matter who I chose, I would lose the advantage I had in the previous team match.

Whether it was consideration or pure perseverance.

[I couldn't even imagine this answer... ...]

There was nothing to be upset about though.

'I'm just saying that this time, I thought it would be best if there was someone solidly capable of being the leader other than me.'

And didn't a leader who had proven to be good at his job and had been around for decades or even hundreds of years come along?

I sincerely made a facial expression of gratitude.

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