Chapter 6 - Walking In The Rain

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THANK FOR 1K!!!!! <3


Every step you took felt heavier and heavier. Your ears flat on your head as you strolled through the empty streets of New Yoke. It was long past the residents curfew, everyone was hiding in their small homes, obeying the council to avoid trouble. But you didn't mind, it just meant the streets belonged to you.

In the grey clouds thunder rumbled I hunger. Gazing up at the common clouds, you watched them tumble and turn over each other. Light flashed through the clouds, crackling in sync with the thunder. Slowly, small droplets of rain began to drizzle. Stopping in your tracks, you continued to gaze up at the sky. Closing your eyes, you let the soft water fall on your face.

As the rain grew heavier, plummeting down to earth, you found a smile grow on your lips. Your fur got drenched in the rain, your tail landing flat on the floor at it drank up the water. Chuckling, you spun around, arms open. You listened to the sweet sound of the rain, your feet happily splashing in puddles.

Noticing a fire escape that lead to a rooftop, you happily climbed the millions of stairs, reaching the flat rooftop. Your eyes watched light flicker on and off in the big city of New Yoke. The rain made the city appear calm and peaceful. It gave a softer pallet to the bright neon city.

Standing on the edge of the roof top, you took in a deep breath, smelling the rain. Rouge and Knucks told you that when it rained in the grassy hilltops, you could smell the fresh grass mix with dirt. The ocean's salt would flush your tastebuds even if you were far inland. The trees would sing as the droplets fell on them. It sounded dreamy.

And that's all t was for you.

A dream.

But if your closed you eyes, you could almost see it.

The lush green grass, the lively palm trees, the splashing of the oceans waves. It made you really think you were there. But the second you opened your eyes, all you saw was the dull lights of the city.

Starring over the city, you felt yourself feel overwhelmed. Your heart raced, lungs picked up speed, and your throat swollen. Shaking your head, you tore your eyes away from the city view. Sucking in a struggled breath, you closed your eyes as raindrops fell from your eyes.

The rain hit your back. Its cold hands holding you in comfort. Sniffling, you wrap your shivering arms around your shaking form.

Its only always going to be a dream.

Hugging yourself tighter, you wince as your arm pinches your skin. It stung worse than it has all day. It felt like it was digging into your skin, piercing the scarred flesh when your organic arm stops. Gritting your teeth, you choked on your tears. Placing a hand on your metal arm, where the flesh connects to the metal, your firmly held it, trying to alleviate the pain.

Its just me. Its fine. Nothings wrong.

You're stronger than this.

Your knees shook, buckling under your weight. Landing harshly on your knees, you felt them scrape against the cement of the roof. Leaning against your normal arm, your metal one limply hung. You felt the metal claw at your flesh, piercing it. Small speckles of blood dripped on the cement, immediately washing away with the rain.

I'm fine.

I'm strong!

Shifting your weight back, you sat on your calf, arm holding the other as you looked at the sad sky. Ears flattening, you lip quivered.

"How are you so positive about winning? Don't you think all hope is lost for the city to return to what is was before? And what if before is no better than now?" Nine hissed.

Hiccupping, your metal claws flexed, curling into a fist. Your chest burned, as anger flashed through your body, overwriting your sadness and pain. Letting out a loud scream towards the sky, you bent over and hit the cement floor with your metal fist, denting the roof. You glared angrily at the dent, breathing heavily with rage.

As your arm pinched you again, you were pulled out of your rage. Shivering as a cold, rain heavy wind froze your body. Tears began falling down your cheeks. You hunched over as you sobbed.

You didn't know.

You didn't know anything.

Leaning back, you held your robotic arm in your other hand. Starring at the new piece of technology, you whimpered as you remembered.

Your family.

Their screams.

The fire.

Your wet tail curled around you, trying to warm you up as you violently shook.

You had already lost so much, you couldn't bear to lose more.

If you lost Rebel, Knucks, the rebellion, you don't know what you would do. You would be alone again. Corrupted with hatred. Revenge. You would surely lose yourself. And this time with no return.

Turning to face the grey sky. You sucked in a wavering breathe. Letting your tears finish falling, you emotionlessly gazed at the foggy clouds.

So why? Why did you want to risk so much for a city that cannot be changed?

Forcing yourself to stand on your two shaky legs, you tail dragged behind you as you stood once again on the edge of the roof top. Your eyes glimmered with the reflection of the pale city lights. The rain softening. Closing your eyes, you let everything settle.

The world.

Your mind.

Your heart.

Once calm, you reopened your eyes slowly, hands turning to fists and ignoring the irritating pinching, you glared down at the city. Your tail raised up off the floor, ears perking.

You couldn't lose this too.

You couldn't lose your new family to the same hands you killed your other family. You would fight for as long as it took.

Grinning at yourself, you turned around and headed for the fire escape to continue your venture home.

And you will do it with a smile.

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