Chapter 20 - Nothing To Him

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Lol, Hi

This is trash, its been awhile since I last wrote soooo sorry :)


Traversing the sea of Mobians, and avoiding the gaze of Eggforcers, you slithered through the train station toward the hidden laboratory. Ducking into the dark alley where his lab hid, you smiled as the metal security door came into view. As you reached the door, you softly knocked not wanting to scare Nine if her was inside. When no answer came with the door opening, you tilted your head to the side. Turning to the keypad, you swiftly typed in the passcode.


A held breath released from your lips. After your first experience using the keypad, you held no trust in it. It did try to kill you a million times so it was only fair to be a bit skeptical. Once he door completed opening with a quite buzz, you walked into the dimly lit laboratory (not before giving the keypad a stink eye). Your eyes scanned the room, disappointed washing over you upon noticing a missing fox. Sighing, you sat down on the chair he had made you with crossed arms. Ears falling flat, you brought your legs up to the seat and crossed, nestling yourself in the warm leather.

For a few minutes you waited for the genius to return. But your patience was low. Mostly to due with the constant sparks that erupted from your metal arm. And from a previous argument with Rebel and Knucks. Rolling your eyes, you dramatically groaned as you leapt out of the chair. Unfolding your arms, your gloved hand caressed the joint where your skin turned to metal, trying to sooth the burning flesh. At the lack of success, you moved your hand to press down your scathed ear against your head.

"Maybe I should head back? Nine must be busy," you whispered to yourself sadly. Its possible he forgot that you were coming; that thought digging into your heart. Slowly, you began to leave when a red glow got your eyes. Staring at the red glow as it lit up a dark corner of the room, you cautiously approached it. Lifting your metal fingers, you pried open the door that kept the source of the shine hidden. Eyes widening, you took a few staggering steps back at the blinding sight of the crystal. Ears falling back, you stared at the crystal blankly, noticing the wires that absorbed its energy. Your eyes bounced left to right in thought.

I knew he had this but I didn't think he was using its energy.

He would have told me eventually right?

But he didn't tell you!


Your teeth pressed against each other tensely, your gloved hand holding your metal wrist tightly in confusion. Your lungs quickened with their breathing, your mind struggling to comprehend a solid thought. Mindlessly, your metal fingers drew back the door that encased the crystal and hid it away. Moving back into the middle of the room, you took in wavering breathes.

Should I ask him about it?

NO! He'll then know you were snooping and never trust you.

But can you trust him?

Continuing to stumble back, you yelped at your spine hit a bench top. Jumping back, you stared down at the table. It held documents, tools, pencils, and a mysterious blueprint. You didn't want to snoop. To see. To not trust Nine. But you caught sight of his plan. A flying machine that utilises the crystal to traverse the SHATTER SPACE. You had no idea what that was, but you didn't need to for you to understand the words that sat scribbled in the corner of the blueprint.

New World = New Life.

Your tail tucked between your legs, your heart pounded, your lungs hitched. You shook your head. Was he leaving you? Were you not enough? Did he truly not care about you? Where you... Noting to Him?

Tears threatened to spill. The walls of the lab constricted your air. You couldn't believe you let him play you for the fool. Rebel and Knucks were right. He didn't care. Not like you did. He was using you to bide himself time.

A sudden zap coursed through your body from your metal arm, causing you to wince and a tear to fall.

Did he purposefully make your arm malfunction like this?

You shook your head, not wanting to believe that. But anything was possible. Deaf to the sound of Nine entering his lab, you held in your tears as you turned to leave the building. With your eyes cast down, you were unaware of the fox standing in front of you causing you to collide into his fluffy chest. Glancing up into his eyes, you only saw the heartbreak within you reflect in his blue gaze.

Noticing your panic, Nine's ears fell, "(Y/N), what's wrong?" Holding your cheeks with his gloved hands, he analysed your face, searching for injuries. But he was looking in the wrong place. Your fur rose on end, unable to identify weather his worry was real or fake. Grabbing his wrists, you yanked his hands away from you. Tears slowly dropped down your face as your lips quivered. Dropping his hands, you pushed passed him, your legs carrying you as far away as possible.

Nine watched you run, his heart echoing in his ears. Shaking his head, he ran after you. Weaving through the herd of Mobians, he called your name. Mobians stared at him with odd eyes, but for the first time in his life, he didn't care.

Stretching out his hand, he reached for your wrist. But the second his fingers brushed your fur, your head turned to him. He froze. Your eyes spoke it all. Fear. Hurt. Betrayal. Tears poured down you face. And it broke him. Standing in the unfazed crowd, he let you leave, watching you disappear in the ocean of Mobians. He was confused and worried. He wanted to know what hurt you. Who hurt you. But the longer he stood in the crowd, his overrunning brain took him to the answer. A

An answer that broke his heart.

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