Chapter 12 - Top Of the world

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Nodding your head to a silent beat, you swung your legs along to the rhythm as they hung over the edge of the tall building. The city was a blinding neon, its bright lights making the city appear full of light and joy, when in fact it was the opposite. Behind the city's bright façade, Mobians suffered, struggling to survive against the dictatorship of the Chaos Council. From where you sat, atop one of the largest buildings in the entire city, you could see everything.

Your eyes glanced to the side, analysing Nine as he sat there, his sky blue eyes reflecting the light of the city. He had been dead silent ever since you both reached the top of the building, having used the looping tracks of the trains to reach the roof of the building. His legs crossed over one another, his hands resting in his lap as he stared intensely at the vast city. His metal tails, which encased his two smaller tails, sat beside him calmly.

Shimmying closer to him, you kept you legs hanging over the edge. Returning your gaze to the city, a soft smile rested on your face.

"Sometimes you gotta look at things from a different perspective," you motioned to the view overlooking the entirety of the city. Nine shifted his gaze to you, curious by your words. Scrunching his eyes, he tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he leaned back onto his arms, stretching his legs forward so they also hung over the edge.

Smiling at him with a soft breathy chuckle, you point out towards the horizon as you explain, "The world is a big place." Lowering your arm, you rest it on your knee as you gaze over the illuminated city, "And while this world will take a lot of work to heal, it holds big opportunity. So many possibilities for a new world. A better world." Your tail slowly sways side to side, your eyes seeing the city plane turn green with life. Resting your head in your metal hand, you closed your eyes to feel the gentle wind.

Nine observed your calm features. His tails wagging in unison, admiring how the wind played with your fur. A blush burned on his muzzle as you caught his eyes. Rubbing the back of his neck, he swiftly averted your eyes by returning his attention to the city bellow the both you. But his eyes didn't remain long on the city. Unable to help himself, he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. He watched you wounded ear flow more against the breeze, your metal arm wielding up the weight of your head.

He wondered what happened to you, and how such loss didn't have an affect on you.

"(Y/N)," he softly whispered, somewhat hoping you didn't hear him. But as your good ear flicked, he knew there was no backing out. Shifting your eyes on him, you nodded for him to continue. "What happened to your arm and ear? If I may ask," he shyly asked, his hands fiddling with one another nervously. His ears caught your sigh, you eyes falling at the memory. Quickly he added, "You dont have to answer if you don't want to." You smiled at his words, not wanting to force you to answer.

He's just one big softie.

With a smile and a shake of your head, you reassure him it was fine, "No, its not that I don't wanna tell you its just I don't like the memory." You gaze back at the city, your tail resting over your legs.

"Yeah I get that," he whispered his response, following you eyes back to the city lights. Brushing your fingers through your tail, you leaned back on your metal arm, your hand inches from Nines.

"Once upon a time I swore vengeance on everyone who hurt me," you growled softly, your hand bunching the fur on your tail as you remembered you irrationality when you were younger. Nine turned his full attention towards you, watching every moments and listening to every word. "But, the path of vengeance is road that just leads to death. It makes you ignorant and spiteful. And in the end, you become who you swore to kill," you words weighed you down, you head lowering. Nines ears fell back, as he thought over your words.

Shaking his head, he spoke, "You don't know that."

"How do you think I lost half my ear, genius. I took that road, and I ain't getting back on it," you met his gaze, your eyes reflecting your truth.

"So... What did happen to you?"

Sighing, you crossed your legs, and spun to face the fox with your entire body, both your hands resting in you lap. Nine tilted his head to the side, patiently waiting.

"I was in my middle teens. 14 maybe 15, when I lost my arm from Eggforcers. They killed my family and destroyed my home. And because of that I swore a vengeance. Soon after I rushed in to try and attack the chaos council. No plan, nor nothing. I just ran at the front gates. Rusty Rose, she was on guard duty, simply scratched my ear in half, leaving me running back. It was so stupid and reckless but," you sighed, relaxing yourself, "That is how I met Rebel and Knucks. They saw my pain and took me in. Both helped me make an arm and everything. Without them I would be dead," you finished, a tender smile reaching your lips. Nine's ears fell, his face flat. His eyes searched yours, his blue eyes displaying a guilt.

"I'm... sorry," he whispered, his head snapping back to the city.

"Nah, it's all in the past now, and I learnt from it more than anything," you shrug, standing yourself up by pushing off your knees. Dusting your pants off you lower a metal hand down at the fox. He stared at your hand for a second before taking it. Lifting him up, you ignore the tiny shock that pulsed through your flesh. "Honestly, it would hand been a lot worse." Your tail wags as Nine stood in front of you, your hands still holding one another. "I just had to give myself some time to heal, and that's what this city needs... time." Closing your eyes, you gave nine a classic wide grin. Nine returned the smile back in a smaller scale, his tails slightly swaying.

At the loud sound of a train rushing passed on a nearby track, you open your eyes and glance behind the fox. It flashed by the building, its speed turning it into a blur. Smirking to yourself, you yanked Nine closer to you, your faces inches apart as your eyes glinted mischievously. You face dusted a soft pink at the sudden closeness, Nine's muzzle cherry red. Raising your eyes brows up and down, you evilly giggled at the plan the train gave you as it continued to fly by.

"Now, backstory aside, let's blow this show!"

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