Chapter 18 - One Day

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Your eyes felt heavy, your heart content as your mind flashed with moments from within the small town. To its beautiful old structure, to the dirt paths that treaded through the town. Yawning, you lay yourself on the cool surface of a nearby building's rooftop. Nine suggested to leave the city not too long ago, having seen your tired featured as it became late... or early. Your body was tired and in much need of sleep.

Nine stood near the edge of the rooftop, ensuring that your location was secure from nearby danger. His tails contently clicked and unclicked, his body rigid as he analysed your surroundings. He reminded you of a knight who was protecting his princess from all dangers. Sword at the ready.

But if he is the knight... does that make me his princess.

Your face burned at the thought, your tail swaying side to side at the thought. You his princess. No. No. No. Could never be.

Watching his brows furrow every now and again as a patrol flew by checking the streets, you sighed through your nose.

"Nine relax would you, you're making me worry," you complained, feeling your chest rise and fall as you breathed. Momentarily closing your eyes, you reopened them to watch Nine as he gave the perimeter one last check before walking towards you. Laying himself down on the rooftop, he lay next to you, facing the clouded sky. Smiling contently, you both watched the tumbling clouds roll above you.

Lifting your hand up to face the sky above you, you imagined that you were able to brush away the clouds to reveal the mysterious sky. Slowly your hands moved like a paint brush, painting the night sky above you like an artist does a painting. Stars over there, the dulled sun sitting in the corner, constellations covering the sky completely. You could almost see them.

And it was magical.

Just like Nine said the future would be like.

The impossible future.

Lowing your hand, and resting it over your stomach, intertwining your fingers with your metal hand, you sighed softly. Nine glanced to his side, ears falling at the inability to help give you your dream.

"You think the sky in the future is as bright as it was in the past. I mean, they've been hidden behind the clouds for so long, what if they have given up their beauty because no one can see it," you head fell to its side, looking directly at Nine with creased eye brows. His ears perked, his own head tilting slightly to the side to catch your dream shattered eyes.

"No," he whispered, his eyes gazing up at the sky, "I think the sky will be brighter than ever. Just for you," he uttered the last part, your ears unable to catch his words, but you grinned uncontrollably at his answer.

Yeah, it will be brighter.

"I'd like that," you looked back up at the clouds, closing your eyes at the cooling, smoke filled breeze, "Imagine that. Star filled nights, sun risen days. That would be perfect." Your heart beat slowly, its rhythm soothing you to sleep. But you dragged your eyes open, wanting to relish the calm moment just a little longer.

Nine nodded, his eyes falling upon your sleepy eyes, "One day." His words were soft, genuine. Glancing over at him, you titled your head in question. Your exhaustion evident by your wide yawn. Blinking yourself awake, you awaited the fox's explanation. "The sky," he motioned with his hand, dragging it across the sky as you did, "We'll see the sky together one day."

Tail wagging, you kindly grinned at the fox, returning your smile easily. A small blush fell upon your cheeks at the thought. The thought that the two of you would still be together in the future. That would be something.

Nodding your head, you giggled, "That would be even more perfect. Magical even." Nine chuckled as you used his own words, his face flushing.

"Stealing my words I see," he snickered.

"I like it. Magical is such a beautiful way to think of the future. It makes me happy," you gave a toothy grin with closed eyes. As you opened your eyes, it was just like looking up at the blue skies of the warm days of the past as you were met with Nine's sparkling blue eyes. His tails swayed from side to side, his smile small but meaningful.

For a moment the world didn't exist.

It was just you and Nine.

Lost in each others eyes.

Your heart flying above the sky.

But in the distance, your soaring heart came to a dead stop as you caught sight of Rebel fling towards you, anger in her eyes. Below her Knucks jumped from building to building, face redder than normal as he fumed with anger.

Sitting up, your ears fell as you knew you had to split with Nine for a bit.

"You should go," you warned, starring off in the distance. His eye brows furrowed before he sat up and followed your gaze. Catching sight of the bat and echidna, he stood up and brushed himself off. Jumping to the opposite end of the building, he glanced back at you. Feeling his eyes on you, you turned to face him.

"See you tomorrow?" He gently asked, his eyes understanding if you answered no. But how could you. Rolling your eyes, you nodded.

"Of course silly, I'll sneak out later today," you confirmed, ear flicking back as the heavy flaps of Rebels wings sounded closer and closer, "Now go before Rebel and Knucks tears you apart." Smirking at your answer, he leaped over the edge of the building. You could hear his metal tails latch on the side of the building, before launching the fox from building to building, surely taking him back to his laboratory.

Sighing, you stood up yourself, shaking away any sleep your previously had. Facing the bat and echidna as they approached, you prepared yourself for the onslaught of anger that was sure to come your way.

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