Chapter 14 - Lets Make Some Trouble

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"Can I open my eyes yet?" Nine loudly asked, his limbs daring not to move in case he hit something in his blind state. His eyes were tightly shut- as you had asked him to do- his only reliable sense being his hearing. Ears twitching and flicking back and forth, he tried to hear what you were up to, but couldn't make out much. The sounds mushed together which made his head spin.

He hated surprises.

There was no control when it came to surprises.

Crossing his arms, his multiple tails swayed in unison, cautious to not hit anything that could be surrounding them. His foot tapped impatiently, his eyes flashing left to right behind in eyelids. He chewed the inside of his cheek trying to keep his cool as he waited.

"Okay, open your eyes," you called, standing proudly with your hand behind your back, tail happily wagging behind you. His blue eyes instantly caught your eyes, before traveling down to the metal buckets that surrounded you. Looking to you sides, you felt excitement rush through you as the sight of brightly coloured paints. Nine tilted his head to the side, unable to determine your plan.

"What are the paint cans for?"

Another question.

He needs to learn to stop asking questions.

Rolling your eyes, you grab two buckets of paint, leaving the other two for him.

"We are going to give this city some colour," you replied with a shrug while walking passed him, your eyes set on the open streets of New Yoke. Nine opened his mouth clearly about to ask a question. A simple glance back at him cut him short. Without question, he picked up the other two buckets and jogged after you. Stopping at the edge of the alley, you swung your head left and right, checking for Eggforcers.

"We are gonna need a lot more paint if we want to paint the entire city," Nine motioned towards the four paint buckets.

It was true. With four paint cans you were barley gonna scratch the surface.

But that's not the point.

The point was to bring some smiles to the boring lives of the Mobians.

"Ready?" you ask, keeping your eyes forward. Nine smirks down at you, his eyes lids falling halfway as he stared at you mockingly.

"Who's asking the questions now?"

"Still you," you smiled back at him. For a moment he stood frozen, mouth hanging open in surprise. Scrunching his face he shut his mouth with a small grumble.

"Dammit," he whispered to himself.

Rolling your eyes, you took a step back into the shadows as a patrolling Eggforcer passed the both of you. Peeking your head out, you watched as it turned the corner.


Nine was still mumbling to himself when you wrapped your tail around his arm and yanked him out into the streets with you. Letting go of his arm, you laughed as you swung your arm forward, sending blue paint splattering against a boring grey wall. You felt speckles of blue paint coat your fur and clothes.

But that was half the fun.

At another wall, you splashed bright pink paint along its wall, coating both the wall and tar roads. Nine watched you with curiosity. You jumped from wall to wall, throwing one can of paint, then the other, and sometimes both. Splotches of paint coated your fur and clothes, making small spots of mattered fur. The smile on your face wide and carefree.

Your (E/C) eyes gazed back at Nine, meeting his own. He swore your eyes glimmered like gems, shining in the neon light of the city angelically. Ears twisting back, he felt a heat burn on his face, warming the tips of his ears, even the tufts. Avoiding your gaze, he stared down at the yellow and purple paint in his buckets.

Ears perking, he unnoticeably gave you a side glance, a small grin on his muzzle.

"Whoops," Nine yelled as he threw half of his yellow paint and half of his purple paint over you. The weight of the paint forcing your ears to press forward against your head, your shirt struggling to stay on your shoulders as the paint pulled it down. Your eyes were wide, blinking in disbelief.

And you heard laughing.

Nine was laughing.

Eyes snapping to meet the mischievous fox, your tail flicked, splattering more paint on the floor that surrounded you. Placing your paint buckets down, you grabbed both of them by the side of the rim. Swiftly, you swung them forward, sending the paint within them flaying out. The blue and pink paint covered Nine head to toe, similar to you.

Payback is so sweet.

Nine looked just as shocked as you were when you first got drenched in paint. You both stared at each other, dripping of colours.

Your faces serious.

But then one would smile and the other would follow. A huff from ones nose led to a chuckle from another. And before you knew it, you both were struggling to breathe from your laughter.

Struggling to stand on your feet from your laughter, you began to slowly wipe the colours off your face. It wasn't much help, considering your hands were also covered with paint. Your clogged ears lifted up once Nine stopped laughing, your eyes glancing up to him, only to see his arms open as he approached you, eyes glinting with trouble.

"Don't you dare," you threated, lifting both arms up.

But he did dare.

Trapping you in his arms, you somehow felt more paint cover you. Your squealed, trying to push him off. You laughed along with him, as you continued to try to free yourself from his grip.

"Rebels, freeze. You are under arrest by order of the Chaos Council."

Turning your heads, you both stood dead still as Eggforcers blocked the streets in front and behind you, weapon raised.

Glancing at each other with your eyes, you both uttered in unison, "Uh oh." Little red dots cover the both of you, their lasers warming up as they prepare to blast you with their weapon.

"Should we run?" you ask, eyes looking over at an open escape route via an alley. Nine follows your gaze, his head ever so slightly nodding in agreement.

"You know, we probably should... ya' know, run," he whispers back.

"Yeah, that would be best..." you agree, "... lets go."

Nine let go of you, allowing you both to easily avoid the death lasers and rush through the small alley. You could hear the Eggforcers clunk against the floor, their engines firing up as the chase began.

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