Chapter 15 - Escape Artists

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THIS IS SUPER LATE SORRY!! My schedule for this week was thrown out the window... Whoops. I'll return to my normal routine soon :)

Warning: One swear word (Oppsie doopsy), and panic attack (yay *throws confetti*)

Also, sorry if the writing is different? I am reading a book that's a major inspiration and it may affect my writing :D


Winding through the alleyways, your lungs burned as your legs struggled to keep the pace going.


It was the pain of existence.

Trying your best to keep your knees up high to prevent your feet from dragging against the floor, your heart pounded in your chest as you felt the tang of adrenaline coat your tongue. Nine ran only steps ahead of you, his metal tails unable to carry him in such a tight space. Every now and again he would glance back, ensuring you were still behind him.

Giving him a struggled smile, you both weaved through the narrowing alleys of the city. The roaring of the Eggforcer's engines burned above you, their scanners keeping lock on you. Feet hitting against the floor, you could feel the weight of the paint begin to weigh on you, slowing you down as you grew more and more tired.

Your heart tightened, tears springing in your eyes as you lungs struggled to breathe. An electric shock rumbled through your body, shocking your nerves. Gritting your teeth, you body began to tremble, slowing.

You expected your plan to cause trouble with the Eggforcers, but not so much so you would have to run so damn much.

Holding in your breathe, you attempted to drag your legs forward. Nine ran without trouble, the distance growing between the both of you. Desperately wanting to call his name, tell him something was wrong, you couldn't. Lungs stumbling over themselves and throat trapping your words, another zap brought you to silence.

Feet getting caught on one another, you fell forward. Your face scraped against the harsh tar floor. A skin surfaced wound dripped with blood down the side of your face, your cheek stinging. Peeling your face off the floor, you stared after Nine as he disappeared around a corner. Breath hitching, you felt a panic settle in your bones. Heart pounding painfully against your ribs, your body felt numb as your mind flashed with the memory of fire.



This wasn't the idea.


Two metal feet landed a few metres from your collapsed body. Ears falling back, your eyes traced upwards, following the intimidating stance of a singular Eggforcer. Normally, you would be able to defeat a single Eggforcer with ease, but the situation felt too real.

Too familiar.

You couldn't handle it.

Breathing heavily, you felt a heavy weight press against your chest. Tears blurred your vision, your eyes constricting in fear as the robot approached you. Your lips were parted, attempting to suck in as much air as possible. But it was in vain. You chocked from the lack of oxygen, you heart taking up all your breathing room with its erratic pulses. Your robotic arm politely providing you with electricity, send constant waves through you, hindering your breathing.

It wasn't suppose to do this

Why are there so many?

I can't do this.

I cant do anything.

Staring up at the Eggforcer helplessly, you watched as its weapon charged, aiming directly at you. An you waited for it. You expected it. This was the bitter end.

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