...The wedding...

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  •time skip•
Tomorrow was the wedding... I looked down with tears at the corners of my eyes. I wanted to tell someone how sad and lonely I felt. I flop down on my bed. I stare at the ceiling while listening to "hidden in the sand". I decide to just scroll on TikTok.  I slept like at 11
   ~the next day/wedding day~
I woke up at 6 am. I was still tired. My mom wasn't even in the house. She had probably left already to go get her hair and makeup done. I don't know. I woke up and made my self some cereal. I called my aunt and she eventually picked me up so I could get my hair and makeup done. I sat in the backseat while listening to a song called "good looking". Once we got there i sat down and the hairdresser did my hair. It was fancy. I like fancy things but I didn't like it. I just wanted to stay at home with my mom. Not my brother. Just my mom. But it seems like I won't ever get to have that. I just wanted my mom. Sure she buys me things and gifts but I want her. I don't want a Dior necklace. I don't want a Gucci purse. All I wanted was her. My mom. When the lady is done with my hair another lady does my makeup. I had to look fancy since I was the maid of honor. I thought I was just a simple bridesmaid but no I had to take on the responsibilities of the maid of honor. It should've been my aunt idk. But me? Why me? No I didn't get ALL the responsibilities of the maid of honor. I didn't exactly help plan the stupid wedding. I didn't care about it. My aunt did most of the planning. She should've been the maid of honor not me! I couldn't care less about the stupid wedding. Once my makeup was done I sat down. When my aunt had also gotten her makeup and hair done, we left. My dress was at her house. So we went to her house to get ready meanwhile my cousins were all ready. Braian's gf was already there. Once we were done we headed to the place where the wedding was being held. It was a big ahh place. A priest was going to come since my mom didn't want to have the wedding in a church. So instead the priest just came. There was a room where my mom was getting ready. I stepped inside the room where I saw women adjusting my mom's veil. I looked at her but she didn't even notice my presence. I felt sad since I was being somewhat ignored. I couldn't cry tho. I didn't want to ruin anything. I didn't want to ruin this for my mom since she always say that I ruin everything. I stepped out the room and went to where the food was being placed. My cousins along with Braian's gf and Luis's gf were also there. I sit down. Braian's gf noticed that I wasn't happy at all. She took me to the bathroom where she asked me what was wrong. I had a small talk with her. It was better than talking to my mom.
•a few hours later•
I adjust my hair piece and sigh. The wedding ceremony was starting. I sigh as I started walking behind the bridesmaids and groomsmen. I put on my best smile. I was glad to have my both Luis's gf and Braian's gf in front of me (they were bridesmaids) Tho I still wanted to cry. Once we get to the end I stand there. After all the things that were said I couldn't hold back my tears. I started crying. Thank god no one noticed. No one but Braian's gf. After all that we head to the actual ballroom where the tables were at. There was also a place outside where we put one of those fancy white tents over it.
•a few more hours•
   I sat in the outside area. It was already night. There was pretty purple lighting. I was sitting with my cousins and their girlfriends. I wanted to talk to my mom before she left to her honeymoon. She was going to leave at 12. It was like 9. I got bored and had already ate. So I decided to text Carlos <3 I talked to him about the wedding <3
At around 10 I took a small nap. Then I just scrolled on TikTok. Soon it was 11:50. I started to tear up. We all gathered around the fancy car my mom and her now husband were driving. I started sobbing uncontrollably. My heart couldn't take this. What was life going to be like after this? I didn't even get to say anything to my mom. She just left. I went back to the round table I went to the restrooms and continued sobbing there. I wanted to scream. Was this man going to take my mother away from me!? I heard someone know at the door. It was my mom's aunt. Fuck her. I hated her. And of course she was with my younger brother. Whatever. I become quiet and wait for her to exit. When she does someone else comes in. It was my Braian's gf. She had a talk with me about stuff like this. And how it's alright and normal for me to cry about this. At around 4 am also everyone had already left. My aunt and other people had started cleaning up the place. At around 6 AM we came home. I took a 3 hour nap before waking up again at 9 am 😍🔫

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