Old friends

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A/N: In Legends, Palpatine created the rank of grand admiral in about 2 BBY and was awarded to twelve individuals. Here, it will be moved to 6 BBY instead. The rank of grand general does not exist yet but know that there will only be one who holds the rank and he'll have power equal to all twelve grand admirals.

I shall also introduce my own concept which I creatively dubbed 'the purple sith order'. And there is also the rank of sith sorceror, just above sith knight but below a marauder.

Height of certain characters is as follows:

Salazar Covraii- 5'9
Captain Gary Strave- 5'11
Captain Kassus K.Rukovossky- 5'10
Major Gren- 5'9
Priscilla Roth- 5'5
Kyse, Hans and Gunther- 5'8
Seven male death troopers- 6'6
Anastasia- 6'4

-Ansion, Namadii Corridor, Mid Rim-

''She'll stay put in there till the labour transport ships arrive, Colonel Covraii.'' the warden of the imperial prison complex on the planet Ansion in the Mid Rim assurred. ''Her and all her crew, sir. Don't worry. Breaking out of this prison will be next to impossible.''

''I hope so, warden.'' I bluntly replied. ''If she's bold enough to attack imperial ships, then she'll be bold enough to try breaking out. I put her in your hands, warden, but I would advice the highest level of caution.''

''I will take it to heart, colonel.'' the warden replied and I exited the floor to return to my flagship, the Morning-Star.

(at the Morning-Star's bridge)

''I take it that the prisoners are comfy in their new rooms, sir.'' Captain Gary joked as I entered the bridge of my flagship and home to my imperial unit.

''You know their type.'' I replied and then cracked a really bad joke. I was never really the humorous type to begin with. ''They taste the food at the prison, next thing you know, they'll start a riot and hold the kitchen under a siege.''

''Ah, prison food. Only thing worse than our army rations.'' Captain Gary hated the bland, flavourless and not really good to eat imperial army rations. ''At least you were kind enough to buy us better things to eat than these things, sir.''

''You guys are my unit. I won't have any of you being treated like shits. I told you before, captain. Each one of your lives is valuable to me.''

''Exactly why we all respect you, sir.'' the captain remarked. ''If I may speak so freely, sir, very few commanders treat their troops like you do. The men don't just obey your orders because they have to but because they want to. They know you'll lead them to victory and with the smallest amount of casualties.''

''That's... nice to hear, captain.'' I could only reply with that. For one so young, it was a big thing to hear.

''Colonel, sir.'' the captain of my guard, Anastasia, called to me. ''Orders have reached us, sir. They want us to check in on an abandoned mining field near Bimmel. The mines belonged to the old Jonex Mining Corporation and high command believes that wanted smugglers may be hiding there.''

''Understood, Anastasia.'' I replied and looked at a naval lieutenant. ''Prepare to jump to Bimmel.''

''Yes sir.'' the lieutenant replied and within seconds, the Morning-Star jumped to the planet Bimmel.

''Death troopers. Elites of the elites.'' Captain Gary muttered. ''Trained by Imperial Intelligence. Selected from the tallest and best stormtrooper candidates and having endured harsher training, advanced combat and then surgical enhancements. They're usually assigned to protect key imperials, sir, and they're almost fanatically loyal to them. Remind how you accquired them again, sir. If you don't mind.''

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