Captain's troubles and a sith's return

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A/N: the first parts of the chapter take place during Salazar's absence.

Important events in Akkadia's history, part 2.

14,000 BBY: first extra-galactic exploration missions. Akkadian belief being that they were the farthest west of the galaxy and the rest was farther towards the east.

13,980 BBY: contact with the Old Republic. Relationships were friendly at first but the eventual Core world centric movements soured the relationships.

11,000 BBY: the Old Republic funds Akkadian rebels. The Akkadian government breaks ties with the Old Republic.

9,769 BBY: first Akkadian-Old Republic war. Coruscant was sacked but internal problems forced the Akkadians in an early peace treaty.

5,000 BBY: Akkadian government becomes weaker. Regional governors and marshals gain more power, meaning the Akkadians were unable to capitalize on the Great Hyperspace War.

4,879 BBY: reforms in the empire, saving it from collapse.

4,670 BBY: second war with the Old Republic. Akkadians use their spice navigators and heighliners to sack Coruscant for a second time. Estimated death from the sack over 60 billion Coruscanti.

3,300-3,295 BBY: third war. Result was a stalemate.

2,980-2,912 BBY: new serious of conquests and campaigns. Coruscant was sacked a third time along with Kuat, Entralla, Mandalore, Empress Teta and hundreds of other planets.

2,760 BBY: internal politics and factional squabbling divides Akkadia.

2,600 BBY: Old Republic occupies and starts a cultural revolution to make the Akkadians a less violent people. A process that took over three centuries.

40 BBY: conflicts with neigbouring sectors results in the death of native Akkadians. In response, the Akkadians start a blitz to take revenge. A movement to reunite all former Akkadian territories starts to form.

20 BBY: the Grand Army of the Republic occupies Akkadia due to their separatist sentiments and fear of the CIS getting the spice.

-Ansion prison, Mid Rim territories-

Following an assassination attempt on the emperor's life, the ISB and Imperial Intelligence had conducted a purge. Civilians, small politicians and military personnel, none were safe from the purge. Tens of thousands were rounded up, tortured and interrogated and then executed. One of the unfortunate victims of the purge was the recently graduated Lieutenant Brandon Kosvo.

He did not expect his life to turn out like this. He thought he'd take the fight to insurgents, smugglers, pirates and win some glory, like his friend, Salazar Covraii. He graduated at the rank of lieutenant, got assigned to a gozanti as the second in command and he was very hopeful about his future. However, things turned south for him real quick. Not even recently graduated students were spared from being suspected. Unlike some of them, Brandon did not have friends or connections in high places. He was just from an average Core family.

He believed it to be about thirteen days since he was kept in Ansion but he did not truly know. He was beaten up by the interrogaters and brutally tortured. He had three broken ribs, his left arm also broke and four fingers along with some of his teeth missing. His spine was in a bad shape and he was starving. It had been two days since he last ate and it was a very small portion of army rations. He refused to give up, however. He did not 'confess' to his interrogaters. Giving a lie and saying he hated the empire or was involved in a conspiracy to betray the empire, for him, that was treason. Brandon Kosvo's mind was completely and utterly brainwashed by the empire. He did not blame the emperor for his mistreatment;  he blamed his torturers.

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