Mid-Rim offensive

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A/N: you will find an inspiration from Psalm 137 with a bit of Nahum in this chapter.

     -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

At the royal palace of Khorsabad (or Dur-Sharrukin, fortress of the true king) in the capital city of Nineveh, the news was recieved. The promotion of the new king of Akkad, Salazar Covraii, from grand general to the new Grand Marshal of the Galactic Empire was recieved. Not only that, but the Outer Rim was split into two, north and south, following Tarkin's death, and the new Grand Marshal was also grand moff of half the Outer Rim.

To the ministers, military commanders and the royal wives of the Akkadian king, this meant that their territories in the Unknown Regions was finally connected with the capital world. The former Ssi Ruu Imperium was annexed by Cobra and now, half the Outer Rim was theirs. The Eternal Empire of the Cobra had grown tremendously. Sidious, the emperor of the Galactic Empire, is believed unaware of the hidden empire's existence and had unknowingly helped to make them even stronger.

Kore Nyx, wife of Salazar Covraii, one of the royal queens and in-charge of the empire's economics, walked past the striding lamassu statues guarding the halls of the royal palace. She walked past sith vanguard wraiths standing guard in the halls of Khorsabad palace decorated with all kinds of precious jewels and pillars covered in gold. As she was about to enter the cabinet meeting hall, the two vanguard wraiths opened the door for her and inside, she saw Myranda Blûdwyne, her best friend and bride-sister, waiting for her along with all the important ministers.

''Kore. We were expecting you.'' Myranda said as Kore entered. ''No doubt you heard about Sal, right?''

''Prisca sent me a message regarding that.'' Kore replied. ''Now I get to be in charge of half the Outer Rim's economy.'' she said, knowing of the increase in work she'll have to do from then on. ''Can't complain. It's what I was trained for.''

''Well, no one can take care of the damned economy like you do, Kore.'' Myranda told her bride-sister. ''Prisca sent me a message as well. You know the second part of it, don't you?''

''Of course I do, Myranda.'' Kore replied instantly. ''Try to make sure the imperial governors and moffs in the new Over-Sector Outer South are loyal to Cobra and not to Coruscant. A task she makes sure her SS agents do well. And, should a governor or moff prove to not be loyal to Cobra, well, a replacement and then execution. Speaking of, where is Sal at the moment? On a new campaign?''

''Galactic civil war, Kore.'' Myranda answered Kore's question. ''The empire is officially at war with the rebellion. Prisca forgot to leave that part in her message.''

''She must be busy helping Sal with war-planning.'' Kore deduced. ''Minister Adad-Nirari, care to help us find which governors to replace and which to keep in our new territory?''

''Of course, lady Nyx.'' Adad-Nirari, one of the Seswenna Sector's most important ministers and governor of Akkadia, said to Kore. ''It's our job too to help with the running of the system afterall.''

''Then let's get to work quickly now in re-organizing Cobra's new territories.'' Kore muttered as she looked at the updated holo-map of Cobra's territory. 'My new assistant, the former senator from Pantora, would be very helpful in all this.'

   -Anaxes war college, Core regions-

The war college on the planet Anaxes in the Core regions of the galaxy was one of the most prestigious places in all the galaxy. A school for studying the art of war since the Ruusan Reformation a thousand years ago and continued to be till the modern day. Years back, it was the sight of a great debate between high ranking imperial military commanders for the future of the imperial military.

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