Cobra business part 3

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               -ISB HQ on Coruscant-

''Come in.'' Colonel Yularen said as someone wanted to enter his office. He pressed a button that opened the blast-proof doors of his office and in came one of his subordinates, Major Namada. ''Ah. Major. Anything that needs my attention?''

''A private message from Lieut.Col Roth, sir.'' Major Namada answered. Weird how she had been in the ISB for a much longer time yet the young Priscilla Roth got promoted a rank above her.

The former republic admiral took the data card and inserted it into his holo-pad. It had an encrytion which only someone like him could decipher. Col. Yularen deciphered the card and he saw the wedding that Lieut.Col Roth had with Gen. Covraii. The ISB colonel knew that Priscilla Roth had feelings for the general but he did not expect a wedding so soon. He understood why Priscilla Roth sent this to him in an encrypted message. She wanted her marriage to be kept hidden but also wanted him to know. Yularen was one of the few people that Priscilla Roth could trust with some secrets and Col. Yularen intended on doing that.

''May I ask what it is, sir?'' Major Namada asked, curious to know what it was.

''Nothing much, major. Just a report about a 'secret' mission and nothing more.'' Colonel Yularen replied. The blonde ISB major knew there was something more to it than that but at the same time, knew better than to ask.

''Sir, lieut.col Roth had suggested that the ISB give support to one of the vice-admirals in the navy. A man named Brandon Kosvo.'' Major Namada told her superior. ''I also believe that admiral Kosvo is friends with High General Covraii and has been questioned by Imperial Intelligence.''

''A ploy to one up ISB against Imperial Intelligence, is it?'' Colonel Yularen asked. ''Prisca and Gen. Covraii are good friends and he's a rising star in the military and political theatre. Having another ally wouldn't be so bad. It's good that you brought this up to me, major. It would be a tragedy if someone less suited were to attempt allying themselves with either the general or admiral.''

''Another thing, sir. The DIR/GEN of the ISB wishes to meet you sometime this afternoon if you're available, sir.''

''What for?'' Colonel Yularen asked.

''To have talks, sir. I don't know why but it seems important.''

''I'll be available, major.'' Col. Yularen  replied and Major Namada left his office. An hour and a half later, Colonel Yularen went to the office of the director-general of the ISB. ''You wished to see me, sir?''

''Yes, colonel. Come in.'' The chief head of the ISB told Yularen to enter. ''This is very important, colonel. The emperor needs our expertise on this one.''

''What is this about, sir?''

''The empire is going to invade the Hapes Consortium.''

        -District 8 of Nar Shaddaa-

On the dark, nearly unlit streets of Nar Shaddaa's District 8, Uri Penta and her team walked to meet up with their pilot. Uri Penta, the team leader, looked at the holo-pad on her hand and found where their teammate was located. In a speeder workshop of sorts and they entered. ''Tym, you there?'' Uri asked on their comm link.

''Yep. Right here, Uri.'' Tym replied from the shadows and he stepped out of it to meet his teammates. ''Took a little detour to buy this.'' He said, showing a piece of ship equipment. ''Didn't cost much and we needed it to complete the repairs.''

''Did you get the job, Tym?'' Inanna asked.

''Yes and no.'' Tym answered. ''No in a sense that the Cobra Corps is hiring a bunch of people to get this job done. Yes, because we are part of it.''

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