State of the galaxy

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       -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

The halls of the royal palace of Nineveh stood in silence. The gaseous smell of the harvested spice filled the atmosphere, the dim light of it's sun, Ashur, shone a bit through the dark clouds and a warm breeze blew from the open windows. Kore Nyx and Myranda Blûdwyne, wives of the king of Akkadia, were most anxious;  the news that came from Admiral Cornelius was not something they wished to hear.

They could not believe that their husband just vanished like that.

Rachael Covraii, the sister of the king and high priestess to current religious affairs, could scarcely believe it. She could not, she would not believe the news of her brother's disappearance. The former senator, Riyo Chuchi of Pantora, herself had a hard time believing it. It seemed like such an impossible thing to happen. She hoped that it wasn't as the reports say it was.

Kore sat down, waiting anxiously, at a chair. She stared at her holo-phone and tablet for an update;  an update that would relieve them of their worries. Myranda walked around the room tiredlessly, not giving any care to the pain in her feet. She finally stood and stared at the skies outside Khorsabad palace.

''I don't like this. Not one bit.'' Myranda finally said, breaking the silence. ''There has to be a mistake. Something that we're not seeing.'' She said.

''You saw the message and what it said, Myranda. There couldn't be any mistake.'' Kore replied. ''They won't joke about something like this. We don't know what truly happened. We just need to-''

''Wait. I know that, Kore.'' Myranda cut her off in a slightly angry tone. ''Let's all just wait here quietly while our husband is out there to who knows what fucking place.''

''Myranda, please. Calm down.'' Kore tried to calm her best friend/bride sister down. ''Let's just wait till Cornelius and Roxanna return. They'll tell us the full story once they arrive.''

''Do you really think the Grand Marshal is gone, miss Rachael?'' Riyo Chuchi asked the older sister of the king of Akkad.

''I... I don't... know.'' Rachael answered in a low tone, almost like a whisper. Her uncertainty was evident in her voice. ''I don't want to believe it. He's all I have left of my family.'' She desperately hoped that her brother was alive and safe.

Suddenly, the doorways of the war council room opened and in came Admiral Cornelius K. Rokossovsky and Field Marshal Roxanna. However, the way they walked was not one of triumphant success but a somber walk of failure. The Vong campaign was a success, yes, but unforseen circumstances forced Cobra to pay a prize it could not afford.

''Cornelius, Roxann, explain!'' Kore demanded in an anxious voice, standing up from her seat and her eyes were full of desperation;  desperation for news of hope. ''What happened to Salazar? Tell me.''


Cornelius and Roxanna exchanged glances at each other;  neither wished to be the one to explain such a tragic news to them, especially the beloved wives and sister of the king.

''Tell me!'' Kore nearly shouted. It was uncharacteristic of the usually stoic and calm Kore Nyx to speak in such a high volume. It truly showed just how desperate she had become.

''I'm... sorry, miss Nyx.'' Cornelius mustered the courage to speak. He swallowed his saliva hard and licked his dried lips as he was about to explain in full detail what happened. ''As we were closing up the campaign, a foreign craft suddenly attacked the Morning-Star. It carried a clone of deceased jedi master Mace Windu, and he attacked the ship. It just... jumped to an... unnatural black hole lightyears outside the galactic edge and... everyone got out. Except Sal. He... stayed to face the Windu clone, give the others a chance to escape, and he... The Morning-Star got swallowed up by the black hole. All signals and contacts was lost;  Nymeria said Sal wasn't with us anymore.''

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