Zaarin's failed coup

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  -Imperial capital world, Coruscant-

The Endless Night, my personal fury class corvette, had arrived on the imperial center, Coruscant. After it docked at the 501 Republica (bought by my aunt years back), I went to the imperial palace, the former jedi temple, to meet with Emperor Palpatine. I walked right in and my guards could only come till a certain point. Didn't really matter much to me as I could still meet the emperor.

''My lord emperor.'' I greeted the hooded sith lord. ''I am happy that you could meet me in person.''

''What is it that you want with me, general?'' Darth Sidious asked.

''I wish for more resources for the building to increase production as well as... the matter of imperial project Stardust.'' I said, the latter shocking the emperor greatly.

''When and how did you learn of that project?'' the emperor demanded. His emotions were of surprise, a bit of anger and even amusement.

''A little digging here and there from my agents and a very thorough look at the doonium sales, mining and so on. I realized that the amount did not match the navy's shipbuilding capacity, so, I investigated. And I found project Stardust. Director Orson Krennic's pride and joy. I want to know if it would be used on the Yuuzhan Vong.''

''It is, general.'' the emperor answered. ''Once the project is complete, the far outsiders will not dare enter imperial space.''

''My emperor, I must advice against diverting resources like this to... a project like Stardust. The crew capacity is too much. A quarter of it would be truly necessary in my opinion. And the doonium and money used on Stardust could be used for better things like building more ships, the army equipment and training. Maybe improve people's lives on backwater planets. Diverting it instead to my designs would be better. The station can only move from one system to another and it requires ridiculous amounts of fuel. A navy with tens of thousands of star destroyers and other escorts would be better.''

''Your reasonings are sound, general, but you miss the point of the Death Star.'' the emperor countered my opinions and reasonings. ''The Death Star is a symbol, a mask. A mask to cover our true selves as sith. It is a symbol of terror that, once completed, will crush any hope or thought of rebellion with it's mere existence. And it is only temporary, general. The Death Star and the imperial navy are only meant to secure stability. Once the galaxy is fully under my control, we can start the future.'' he said. The future he referred to was the 'Dark Empire' initiative.

''As you say then, my emperor. But I still wish for more resources and imperial assets. If production is to continue, the factories of Ziost require more.''

''And you will get them if that's what you wish, General Covraii. Or should I say, Darth Ashur.'' the emperor said with a dark smirk as he called me by my sith name. ''Walk with me, lord Ashur.'' he said and I walked out the throne room accompanying him. ''These are your guards, general?''

''Yes, emperor. Captain Anastasia, head of my death trooper squad, and Selene.'' I said, introducing them to the emperor.

'I must say, they actually look quite good. That one, she's a sith. I can feel it. And why are they so tall!? They're almost as tall as Vader!' the emperor thought in his mind while his expression stayed the same. ''I wish to show you something, general.''

''Where are we going, emperor?''

''The inquisitors have been called to Coruscant for a new phase in their training. That blue haired one, she's a sith. I can feel it. I wish to see how well she fares against the inquisitors.''

''That would be interesting to watch.'' I remarked. We got onboard a yacht and went to one of Coruscant's districts. There, Selene was to face the inquistors.

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