War between Akkad and Lanka

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The scattered tribes of Akkad, the cliques and their vast armies and infantry, the serpent peoples, the Netherworld, the Cimmerians and kingdoms of men and dwarves, I had conquered. I had amassed for myself a great and might host (army) and I had begun making plans for my war of vengeance against Dyeus.

Right now, I had gone out to hunt in the forests alongside my hunting party. As in days of my kingship in my old universe and the early days I spent in this universe, I went out to hunt once more.

''How were your warring days like, Salazar?'' Pentheselia, queen of the Cimmerians, asked me. By right of her people, I had gained her hand in marriage and she was my latest wife.

''I... I remember it more clearly than most days, I think.'' I replied. ''I had taken my war chariot and led the armies of Akkad into campaign against my enemies. I subjugated numerous clans and tribes, mostly orcs, and I repaid their infedelity with Akkadian cruelty.''

I remembered my numerous wars and campaigns vividly. The masses of infantry-- wraith troopers, sith or regular men clad in bronze and iron-- and the cities burning in the midst of plains and mountains. I vaguely remember the tactics but the cruely of my host against the enemy, it was clear like crystal to me.

''When your war with the gods is finished, what will we do then?'' She asked me. ''Will we settle down and make our own kingdom, a restored Akkad?''

That question made my think and wonder. The answer was obvious: return home to my own universe. But, with everything that has happened since my arrival here, it became more complicated. What would I do about everything and everyone here? I can't just leave them here. Perhaps, I could take them with me. But returning home was easier said than done;  I do not know how to return to my home.

''I think... it's a question for a later time, Pentheselia.'' I replied to her. Then, I caught the glimpse of a most magnificent deer. ''There! A deer.'' I said and I moved with my horse to hunt it. My hunting party moved with me as we began to give chase.

I shot arrows and killed the deer. I went over to claim my prey but said deer shapeshifted to become a six armed humanoid monster. It struck my horse but I jumped away in time. My hunters shot arrows at the demon but it was futile. The demon slammed the ground and caused all my men to fall from their horses.

I called upon the force and threw a boulder at the demon but it did nothing. I ignited my lightsaber and as it charged towards me, I cut the demon in half. Then, two bird demons attacked me and I cut the first one. My soldiers shot their arrows and killed the second one. They came to inspect these demons.

''Demon soldiers. From Lanka, my king.'' A soldier informed me. ''What in all of Gaea would the demons of Ravann want with us?''

''I do not know. We return back to the city;  increase the security around it and alert all soldiers.'' I ordered and I hopped onto Pentheselia's horse.

''Should we be concerned, my husband?'' She asked me.

''I do not know. It is possible that they were just rogues. But until we know the situation better, we must be on high alert.'' I replied and we returned back to the city.


I watched as my troops drilled that afternoon and I took a walk around the city. As I was to return, there was a sound like that of explosions. Those flying demons came again and this time, in greater number. I rushed to the palace but I was attacked by three demons.

A bull demon, a flying demon bird and a lizard demon. They attacked me and I readied myself for battle.

The bull demon came and I wrestled with him by grabbing his horns. I overpowered him with the force and I threw him at the lizard demon. The bird demon came to attack but I phased through and I force pushed her away and I shot a dark blue fireball at it. The bull came but I made a sword of ice, struck it in the shoulder and then impaled the demon with an ice spear. The lizard came but I force pushed it so hard against a wall that it died on impact.

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