March of the ten thousand

123 6 0

          -at the lucrehulk crash site-

''Hey. Can I ask you a question?'' a B1 battle droid asked a wraith trooper.

''What is it, droid?'' the wraith trooper asked back.

''Did we win the Clone Wars?''

''No.'' the wraith trooper bluntly said.

''No? You mean... we lost!? Oh, no.'' The droid seemed to be sulking at this revelation. ''I mean, what happened? By my calculation, the separatists should've won. We had a clear 28% chance of better victory;  we outnumbered the clones more than 10-1!''

''When order 66 was given, the clones turned on the jedi and a shut down code was given. The empire was born shortly afterwards.'' the wraith trooper explained.

''Man. I sure missed a lot. So, you're a soldier in this empire, mr. wraith trooper?'' another B1 asked.

''Kinda.'' the wraith trooper wasn't quite sure anymore. ''I was a stormtrooper, yes. Assigned to Grand General Covraii's unit and we soon became shadow stormtroopers or as we're better called, wraith troopers. Now, we're among the best in the galaxy and work alongside the sith. Our will is steel and our fury burns like stars;  our footsteps makes the planets tremble and our blades give us victory. Like a tidal wave, we sweep over our enemies and like a storm, we destroy them. We are Cobra and the Sith Eternal;  glory is in our blood.''

''Is that like your programming?''

''No. That's our creed.'' the wraith trooper replied.

''Well, I think I'm saving that.'' the B1 said. ''Say, you have seen combat before right? On which planets?''

''My first taste of combat was the campaign in Mimban, though I wasn't part of the grand general's unit back then. Next was Samovar and I joined the grand general's unit. He wasn't always a grand general you know? He was an ordinary lieutenant and in Samovar, he was a colonel. Then smugglers, a civil war in Naboo, Geonosis, Onderon, Umbara, Hapes, pirates, Sullust and against these bipedal lizards.'' the wraith trooper told the B1 battle droid. ''Yeah. I saw some real combat in such short time. More so than most stormtrooper units.''

''I say, that's quite impressive.'' The B1 remarked. ''So, are these stormtroopers like the new clone troopers?''

''The successors for the clone troopers, yeah. Though the stormtroopers are greater in number, they lack the quality. There are better sub-types of stormtroopers like death troopers and purge troopers. It wasn't always like this though. The first few legions of stormtroopers were quite good but as the years come by, they seemed to decline in quality. Just useful as regular cannon fodder, I guess. If you ask me, we wraith troopers are the real successors to the clone troopers.''

''Do you wraith troopers all come equipped with these vibro-blades and electro-staffs, mr. wraith trooper?'' The B1 asked. ''I only see commando units and magnaguards come equipped with these.''

''Yeah. It's our standard kit.'' The wraith trooper said, taking out his vibro-blade and electro-staff. ''Standard for all wraith troopers, anyways. Only purge troopers get these electro-staffs but we also got them. We're trained for advanced close quarters combat in case we run into some jedi.''

''What's your opinion on jedi?'' A sith knight asked a B2 super battle droid. He was curious since these battle droids were fighting jedi in the Clone Wars and many hundreds perished because of them.

''Jedi are scum.'' The B2 answered. ''Enemies that are to be terminated. I will fulfill my programming and destroy any jedi.''

''Yes. I like that answer quite a lot. But exactly how will you fulfill that, I wonder?''

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