Crimson Dawn's auction

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      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

The short war between Darth Vader and me ended, in what I want to believe, was a victory for me. However, I did not come out unscathed at all. My troops brought me back to my royal palace where I can take my time to heal. At least my sister, my wives and Riyo Chuchi were rescued. Now, I was in a tub of medicinal liquid to heal myself from my injuries.

''The overseers on Exegol have confirmed it, my lord.'' Roxanna reported. ''Vader had made his way to Exegol.''

''I'm more surprised Vader never knew of Kadath in the first place.'' I told Roxanna, expressing my opinion.

''As am I, my lord.'' Roxanna replied and then asked, ''What are your plans next, my lord? Your forces are ready to move against the Vong in a new campaign but the rebel alliance is still very much a threat.''

''We'll take out multiple birds with one stone, Roxanna.'' I told her and she seemed confused. ''One strike to take them all out.''

''My lord, you mean... take the war to both the Vong and the rebel alliance at the same time?''

''And finally end the line of Bane.'' I told Roxanna and her eyes widened in sudden surprise. ''Vader's attack on my home and Sidious' lack of care is more than enough. We will strike when they least expect it and I'll tear the second Death Star to make a new fleet of warships.''

''My lord, so soon?'' Roxanna questioned. ''But, I thought you said we needed to be patient and put loyal pawns in place first. Then, we can strike.''

''I know, Roxanna.'' I replied. ''I know but Vader's sudden attack has forced my hand. Tell Prisca to get her SS agents ready and call Cornelius for a re-organization of the forces. Either the imperial generals, admirals and governors can join us or they can die alongside Vader and Sidious.''

''I understand, my lord.'' Roxanna said with an obediant bow. She did not show it but Roxanna was happy for this change. She felt her lord's grand strategy was taking too long but now, she can sate her battle-lust.

As Roxanna was thinking of the coming carnage to be unleashed, my cousin, Raggal Covraii, entered the room hurridly. ''Cousin! It's important.'' he said as he came barging in.

''Raggal. What is it?'' I demanded.

''Crimson Dawn, cousin.'' he said and both Roxanna and I were surprised. We thought the organization was destroyed after the Cobra sack of Dathomir. ''They're hosting an auction for Han Solo.''

''I thought we destroyed that organization when Dathomir was sacked.'' I said in a low voice to Roxanna.

''So did I, my lord.'' Roxanna too expressed her surprise.

''Han Solo? The rebel pilot who took part in Yavin?'' I asked.

''Same person, cous.'' Raggal confirmed.

''No doubt the rebels will want Solo back. Prepare a task force to retrieve Solo from Crimson Dawn, Roxanna. We will be the ones to win this auction.''

         -imperial palace, Coruscant-

''You are certain, lord Vader?'' Sidious asked his apprentice.

''I am certain, my master.'' Vader said. ''The Grand Marshal plans to kill you and rule the galaxy for himself.''

''I already suspected he might, lord Vader.'' Sidious calmly stated to his apprentice. ''When it comes to the sith, one must always be careful. However, given Darth Ashur's power, it's a shame that he must become an enemy. No matter;  he, his family and all his people will suffer for his plans of betrayal.''

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