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**This chapter contains mature subject matter**⚜

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Shut up and listen - Nicolas Bonnin ft. Angelicca

The ocean was a familiarity that I'd always remember.

The sound of the waves, the bright white collections of frothy foam that hit the sand bank.

The sound of a far away land that mimicked the devil and also my home.

The home of all my sisters who died before me.

The cold night air hit my cheeks, the tears had already dried in light streaks across my tired skin.


I was barely recognizable by now. Memories held in my face only, haunted by the afterlife of my sins.

No sign of retribution. No sign of clarity.

No sign of him.

I sat down on the cold earth, deja vu all over again.
But this time wasn't me being on the right path.

It was history repeating itself again.

To not seek the answers but become them.

Wish the inevitable away.

Wish death away.

Wish me away.

New warm salt rolled down my skin again, in between the lines of age.

I wasn't supposed to get older they said.

I was immortal they said.

Why did I change?

Did my broken heart desecrate me?
Was I being punished for loving one too much?

Instead of myself?

I am nothing now. Nothing but air. Spirit. A soulless body.

Nothing left of me.

All that's left now were feathers, fallen from grace.

A grace I had forgotten existed.

Blue feathers.

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