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I'm an asshole but I take pride in that, he thought to himself as he swung his knife at whatever beast was lunging at him continuously. He only had one thing on his mind and that was to get back at Y/n for all she has done.

Starting with the night they first met. Dont get him wrong, revenge was not his thing, that was Jane's. Gross. So like hell did he want to become so engrossed within the concept. But if this thing was what was after the mansion, he'd be damned if he let it get to her before he did.

"Man tonight is such a bust, barely any victims out here." he had complained to the night sky. It was a new moon, leaving him alone with the few faithful stars in the deep inky sky. It was early spring, leaving the trees mainly bare with a few buds of fresh leaves.

The night was still rich in cooling dry air, hurting his bulging eyes. Despite the night's calmness, a sprint of crunching leaves and sticks ran right before his eyes. Staring harder, he soon concluded it was some lunatic who had escaped a hospital or psych ward.

She appeared to have tussled hair and flew in all directions, with one patch shaved off beside her ear. She adorned the classic hospital gown with socks and a few paper bracelets he assumed were from whatever hospital she had run from.

Easy target he had thought, before he took off after her. She was decently fast, not that he minded the adrenaline of a chase. The two continued, the girl not seeming to understand what was chasing her, that is until he threw his knife at her.

Just barely missing her hair, it stuck into a wall of an abandoned cabin that blocked her in for him. She turned quickly to look at whoever had thrown the knife.

Her eyes had widened as she gagged a bit when looking at him. His smile faltered at this, "Don't I look beautiful?" he asked before taking a couple steps forward. "...Are you...?" "Am I what?" "Jeff the Killer?" she asked before backing up against the wall of the cabin.

"Oh so you've heard of me huh?" he chuckled before stepping closer again. He felt a wave of cockiness before freezing. He felt the cold tip of metal from his knife. She had ripped it out the wall after being backed up, now holding the blade close to his neck.

"I'm not in the mood to be a murder victim tonight, looks like we both had a rough night...Listen we both don't want to be caught by the cops right? Let's just forget we saw each other." she proposed as she tilted the knife closer to his throat.

Gritting his teeth he spoke up, "You're quite bold for a mere human, an unwell one at that." She glared at him, pressing the blade to his pale leathery skin. Upon further inspection, the area on her scalp that was shaved appeared to have some sort of device drilled into her head with heavy stitching that seemed too tight for her skin.

"I'm not 'unwell'–" "Sure, I'm sure most well people run around in a forest in the middle of the night while wearing a hospital gown!" he cackled. "I think you should look at yourself before you judge what I'm doing." she argued before attempting to slash his throat.

His smile slipped slightly at this as he caught the hand she used to hold the knife, " Aren't I beautiful?" he asked once more. Y/n gagged again slightly causing him to furrow his eyebrows even more. "I'm not sure if we have the same definition of beauty." she responded while aiming the knife towards his chest in attempts to hit his lung.

This failed however, as Jeff threw himself at her, causing the two of them to tussle on the ground. Y/n swung the knife wildly at him, cutting strands of his hair and face. He hissed in pain after she cut his cheekbone, just barely missing his vulnerable eyes.

They wrestled much more, for what felt like an hour was probably five minutes. Feeling fed up he ripped the knife from her grip, not without any more injuries on his part. "Oh I'm going to enjoy cutting into you! Fucking psycho bitch!" he yelled.

The killer soon raised his arm up, blade in hand as the metal mirrored the surrounding woods. That's when the static began. His head began to pound as his skull felt like bursting, causing him to drop the weapon.

He held his head in his hands as he saw Slenderman come through the many trees. He watched as the girl before him writhed in pain on the floor before ultimately passing out.

He would've taken that chance to end her life then and there, however the boss spoke to him. "Don't touch the human." he "spoke" before lifting the girl up into the air. "Hey! She was my kill! Why are you showing mercy on a trespasser of the woods?!" He had begun to yell up towards the taller man.

"She has something important that will benefit me by being a new addition to my proxies. I'm sure you'll find a new victim to torment Jeffery." he communicated once before before disappearing into the thick forest.

Jeff stood in astonishment, bruised, frustrated, and downright aggravated as his chest lifted up and down from his breath. Groaning really loudly he began to curse out the sky once more before falling onto his back.

He stared at the sky as he let the broken sticks and leaves prick his back. Despite his desperate angered cries, he was still met with the empty sky. Three stars still lightly shining down at him. One shined the brightest of them all, twinkling slightly in the darkness.

His palm soon found its way up towards it, before grabbing at the air. He was going to catch it one day.


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