49. Prom [End]

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Pic; Jace.

"i can't describe how your eyes always seem to draw me in and how your smile can light up a whole room and how your existence can make me feel like my world isn't falling apart."

--- --- ---

I've always thought prom sucked. It was a waste of time and energy and it's stupid and overhyped.

According to Molly and Trish though, it was a time to be free, to dress up, to await eagerly. It's not that I don't agree because I partially do. It's not often I get a chance to wear a tux and a bow tie and the Armani cufflinks that grandma got me a year or two ago for Christmas so it's especially nice being able to do all of that.

But was prom worth it? Liam says that it's just full of girls with caked on clown make up who wear glittery heels they can barely walk in that they eventually take off at the end of the night anyway and a whole lot of cocky guys who banter about how 'fit those birds look' and 'how they'd very much like to bang them someday'.

Even though I now had a gorgeous, blue eye boyfriend, I still felt that prom wasn't worth splashing out a lot of cash on to just get crisps and sandwiches and a bunch of overplayed pop music in return.

We got to the venue in the nick of time. It was pretty full already, which made me feel like a celebrity as I stepped out of the fancy limo and had everyone's eyes on me.

Cockily, I straightened out my tie before lending Jace a hand to step down from the limo. It was quite a big jump, but he just slapped my hand away and stepped down himself.

"Don't do that, it makes me feel like a girl." He laughed.

"But it makes me feel all gentlemanly!" I grinned.

He just shook his head and waited beside me as everyone else got out the limo.

"Wow." Was all one person behind me could say.

"Ahhhhh!!! It looks so awesome!" Rebecca screamed and walked away, probably to find some of her friends. Or a life. Who knows.

"We did a freakin' amazing job on such a low budget, well done lads. Great venue choice, Zach." Some guy from the prom committee commented and patted my back.

"Let's get in, I wanna get my jiggy on." Jace laughed.

"The only place your jiggy will be going is to my-" I started saying, but was cut off as Ben laughed a little too loudly and pushed us all gently towards the entrance, mumbling something under his breath about too much information.

I snickered as we walked past the threshold of the grand entrance. It was like a fairytale because it was in the shape of a semi circle and it was wooden with black old fashioned latches.

Inside however, was a different story. The place looked fantastic, almost ethereal. Was this even real? Did I really do all of this? It was truly something that was magical. Everything electric blue and white, almost Christmassy looking. A big dance floor was in the centre of the room with white tiles that have little twinkling LED lights beneath. Around the dance floor were big round tables, seating ten people each and right at the front was a wooden deck to act as a stage. The DJ was on one side, a mic was in the middle, a drum set and piano at the back and Jace's red guitar on a stand at the middle.

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